School of Arts and Sciences ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY

Mental Health


Type of University Entrance Examination: Interview
Conferred Academic Degree: Master of Social Psychiatry Mater of Psychotraumatology
Preconditions for Admission to the Master's Programme

An applicant shall:

  • specialize in psychiatry or hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in medicine, psychology, nursing or social work disciplines;
  • have a minimum of 2 years work experience in the field of mental health;
  • level of language ability: upper-intermediate 

Brief Description

The programme comprises medical, psychological and social educational directions and is based on biological, psychological and social approaches.   

The programme gives postgraduates theoretical as well as practical knowledge, helps them comprehend academic conceptions in psychiatry and mental health and apply them in practice.

Modern approaches and interventions are particularly highlighted in teaching process, and this proves to be of critical importance for the formation of the field of mental health.

The programme comprises two educational directions: social psychiatry and psychotraumatology.

Social psychiatry studies interrelations between social factors and mental disorders, their development, progression and treatment.
Master’s degree courses in social psychology aim to teach students theoretical, conceptual and methodological issues; in this way, these courses ensure that students gain a full understanding of intricate social matters and expand their skills through education.

Psychotraumatology studies the results of different psycho-traumatic phenomena such as ethnic conflicts and wars, natural disasters, grave and irrecoverable losses, violence and other traumatic experience. Not only does psychotraumatology study the results of this phenomena but it also studies their effects on the mental health of an individual(s).

Master’s degree courses in psychotraumatology aim to develop postgraduates’ skills to identify and treat traumas. In addition, in case of emergency, students shall be able to take and implement preventive measures.

Occupational fields

Graduates can be employed in:

mental health protection services, psychiatric clinics, ambulatory mental health services, community-based mental health services, crisis intervention services, psychological rehabilitation centers, different psychological trauma treatment centers, residential institutions, children, adult and elderly care and protective services, state and non-governmental sectors in the area of mental health policy/strategy and different research organizations.

Contact details:

Anuki Jikidze
Quality Assurance Specialist
➳ Ilia Chavchavadze Ave. #32, Room A201 



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