Type of University Entrance Examination: motivation letter and interview examining basic knowledge in philosophy.
Conferred academic degree: Master of Philosophy
Brief description
The programme aims to produce a new generation of researchers with a profound understanding of philosophic issues and the development of philosophical reasoning process.
Students will gain a full understanding of acute modern philosophical theories, approaches and principles and will develop the ability to identify problems, subject them to meticulous analysis, evaluate them and come up with creative solutions.
Overall, after the completion of the programmme, graduates will have acquired full professional skills and a profound knowledge in the issues as follows:
Moral and theoretical basics of human rights, cognitive anthropology, gender and culture, etc.
Graduates will be qualified to:
- pursue doctoral studies;
- work in public sector;
- work in mass media outlets;
- work in editorial offices;
- work in non-governmental organisations;
- work in different research centers and academic institutions.
Contact Information
Salome Dalakishvili
Quality Assurance Specialist
➳ 32 Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue, Room A102