Educational for Drone (eDrone) The main objective of the eDrone project is to provide higher education institutions in the Partner Countries with effective and efficient instruments to setup Offices for Education for Drones (OED), for the transferring of all the above mentioned knowledge to professionals of each
For the first time in Georgia, Hardware Hackathon Iliauni will be conducted in September by Ilia State University and Iliauni Industrial Innovation Laboratory. Participating team will compete using innovative and creative ideas, as a part of this project. They will have opportunity to create a prototype of their ideas
2015 has been successful for Ilia State University in terms of acceptance of bachelor's degree students.IliaUni is accepting 2875 entrants this year, out of 7149 enrollees who signed us down for first choice university. Thus, leading the poll for contest throughout the country based on the first choice of university*.W
Innovative Inventions Exhibition will be held on September 26, 2015 for the first time in Georgia, within the framework of the 4th science picnic organized by Ilia State University. Innovative inventions exhibition is a festival of art, crafts, engineering, science projects and DYI that will gather technology enthusias
The Pascal Award for Young Scientists at Ilia State University The Administrative Provisions and Procedures of Educational Exchange Program, Applicable to Ilia State University Students LEPL Ilia State University Bylaws of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and MedicineLegal Entity of Public Law Faculty of Business,
Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) of Ilia State University announces contest in fields of Biology and Biotechnology to reveal successful inventions with high commercialization potential. TCO was founded with financial support of CRDF/GRDF by grant obtained from DTRA program “Peer Review and Sustainable Sc
Visegrad Fund The Faculty of Arts and Sciences of ISU received a funding from the international Visegrad Fund, the courses are provided to strengthen the master’s Degree Program of European studies. ”The European Union and Eastern neighborhood “is the name of the course and it is addressed to the East
Development of an International Model for Curricular Reform in Multicultural Education and Cultural Diversity Training (DOIT) “Development of an International Model for Curricular Reform in Multicultural Education and Cultural Diversity Training” (DOIT) aims to enhance the quality of multicultural educ
The Office staff will help you: Find a donor and funding opportunity for institutional and research support Find local and foreign HEI and industry partners Develop and submit a grant proposal. Office Staff is ready to help staff and faculty during the proposal writing process by: providing consulting on funding an
Scholarships and Exchange ProgramsMinistry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania is offering Lithuanian state scholarships for full-time Master degree studies. Eligibility criteria for the scholarship: Candidate must be a national of one of Republic of Georgia; Candidate must be a graduate of a first-c
Ilia State University Institute of Social and Cultural Studies is organizing a public lecture "Literary origins of Georgian feast: Cosmopolitan poetics of national tradition" on June 24, Wednesday, 19:00, at ISU Book House "Ligamus" to be presented by Professor Harsha Ram of University of California (Berkeley). The lec
Under the auspices of the Georgian Constitutional Court, Ilia State University School of Law will be visited by Strasbourg the following judges on June 25, 15:00, at the Ilia State University Lecture Hall B202: Mr. JosepCasadevall- Vice-President of European Court of Human Rights (Andorra) accompanied by his spouse Ms