


For the first time in Georgia, Hardware Hackathon Iliauni will be conducted in September by Ilia State University and Iliauni Industrial Innovation Laboratory. Participating team will compete using innovative and creative ideas, as a part of this project. They will have opportunity to create a prototype of their ideas using modern technologies available in FabLab, under mentorship from highly qualified professionals. The winner team will be revealed on Iliauni Exhibition of Innovative Inventions to be held on September 26. Members of the winning team will be awarded and will conduct an educational visit to Maker Faire Rome in Italy.
Anyone can take part in the project regardless of age, experience and personal skills.

What is Hardware Hackathon Iliauni?

Harware Hackathon Iliauni  is business marathon which stimulates creativity and innovation and most importantly - supports creation of startup companies; it gives creators a chance to turn their idea into business and a hobby – into profitable endeavor.


  • IoT
  • Wearables
  • VR/AR
  • Robots
  • Drones
  • Art
  •  UI
  •  3D Printing
  • Industrial Applications
  • Solar Energy

Who can participate in Hardware Hackathon Iliauni?

Anyone regardless of age, skills or experience (it does not matter if you are an entrepreneur, a designer, a software developer, an engineer, a marketer, a painter, an architect etc.), who has creative and innovative ideas and wishes to turn them into reality.  
You can take part in Hardware Hackathon Iliauni even in the case if you do not have an idea or a team. The first and the second stage of the project (September5-6 and September 12-13, respectively) gives you an opportunity to find people with necessary skills to carry out your idea, or discover an idea that requires your skills to be implemented.   
When and how will Hardware Hackathon Iliauni be conducted?
Hardware Hackathon Iliauniwill be conducted in September 2015, in 4 stages:  

  • Stage One -Consists of a cycle of lectures, which will introduce the project, participation principles and modern technologies. Attendance in open to all who are interested in the subject. Time (Period):  September5-6
  • Please take a look at the detailed schedule.
  • Stage Two –Creation – forming of the ideas and participating teams. (If you do not have a team  Time (Period):  September 12-13.
  • Stage Three –Acceleration academy and working on prototypes. Time (Period):  12-20 of September
  • Stage Four –Testing of prototypes at Iliauni Innovational Invention Exhibition and selection of the winning team, which had 13 000 viewers on average. Time (Period):  September26.

Why should you take part in Hardware Hackathon Iliauni?

Hardware Hackathon Iliauni gives you opportunity to:

  • Meet people will skills necessary for implementation of your idea and create a team;
  •  Use technical base of FabLab and additional technical components to create prototype of your idea; Receive advise from professional mentors;
  • Meet potential investors during the course of the project and acquire additional financing for prototyping your idea.
  • Complete an intense course in Entrepreneurship from Iliauni Acceleration Academy.
  • Test your product on Iliauni Innovative Invention Exhibition, which will take place on 26th of September and will have up to 15 000 attendants.
  •  Receive a working space in Iliauni.
  • Travel on an education tour to one of the largest events in Europe - Maker Faire Rome 2015, conducted in Italy.


  • 1st Place–The winning team will go on an education trip to Italy, to Maker Faire Rome. Maker Faire Rome is the largest invention and creativity event in Europe, which attracts artists of different ages and professional background and stimulates exchange of creative ideas in a friendly atmosphere. This year the event will host more than 600 participants from around the world who will conduct performances, exhibitions and business meetings. Maker Faire Rome aims to create a space for debates on innovation and promotion of individual and team entrepreneurships, in the scope of popularizing digital culture, all of which is inseparable for development of creators. Maker Faire Rome will take place on October 18, 2015 in Roman University “La Sapienza”, which will be turned into “a city of tomorrow” on that day!
  • Educational tour to Rome includes business meetings in Roman FabLabs and a meeting with editor in chief of Startup Italy, co-founder of FabLab and innovator foundation Make in Italy, Ricardo Luna.
  • Besides that, Iliauni will select interesting project(s) and in order to extend cooperation, will allocate working space in Iliauni FabLab.

Hardware Hackathon Iliauni partners are:

  • Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency
  •  Georgian University Startup Nest
  • Startup Marani
  • Enterprise Georgia
  • Sakpatenti (National Intellectual Property Center)

How can I take part in Hardware Hackathon Iliauni?
In order to take part in Hardware Hackathon Iliauni please fill out a simple registration form and we will contact you (to provide you with information of time and location of first stage of the project).

  • Registration form submission deadline is 10th of September

Best of Luck.
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