
Meeting with Strasbourg judges


Under the auspices of the Georgian Constitutional Court, Ilia State University School of Law will be visited by Strasbourg the following judges on June 25, 15:00, at the Ilia State University Lecture Hall B202:

  • Mr. JosepCasadevall- Vice-President of European Court of Human Rights (Andorra) accompanied by his spouse Ms. Maria CintaPalle Allis.
  • Ms. GannaYudkivska – Judge of European Court of Human Rights (Ukraine)
  • Ms. Nona Tsotsoria - Judge of European Court of Human Rights (Georgia)
  • Ms. FatosAraci - Deputy Section Registrar)

The judges will hold meeting with the students of ISU and other universities. Meeting will be held in the format of Q&A.
Meeting language: French (with simultaneous Georgian translation)

Time: June 25, 15:00 pm
Location: Lecture Hall B202 ISU (Chavchvadze Ave. 32)

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