
Ilia State University Innovative Inventions Exhibition - participant registration


Innovative Inventions Exhibition will be held on September 26, 2015 for the first time in Georgia, within the framework of the 4th science picnic organized by Ilia State University.

Innovative inventions exhibition is a festival of art, crafts, engineering, science projects and DYI that will gather technology enthusiasts, inventors, craftsmen, engineers, science club members, authors, artists, professors, students, commercial exhibitions organizers, seekers of interesting ideas and development and innovation lovers from all over Georgia in one day, in one place.

This is a sight that will be interesting for any age group or people with various interests.

Festival will have the format of exhibition and fair.

If you are interested in presenting your merchandise and inventions in front of a wider audience and take part in the September 26 th Ilia State University innovative inventions exhibition, then fill in the registration form no later than September 1st, 2015.

Registration form for participants

  • Participation in the Innovative inventions exhibition or in an exhibition and fair is available for individuals, groups or organizations that have the desire to demonstrate their own inventions or merchandise at the innovative inventions exhibition.
  • Those participants selected for the exhibition only will be exempted from paying participation fees;
  • For participants selected for exhibition and fair participation fee is 200 GEL;
  • Participants with scientific - education background, pupils and students will be exempted from paying participation fees;
  • Ilia State University is providing opportunity for selected participants to work at the ISU industrial innovation lab to improve and develop their own ideas or to work on prototype creation.
  • Several of the best participants of the Ilia State University innovative inventions exhibition will be awarded invention related prizes.

Facts about the Science Picnic

Science Picnic is the only large-scale science event in Georgia, which promotes popularization of science in all age groups.

In 2012, the ISU Science Picnic received 7 000 visitors;

In 2013, the ISU Science Picnic became members of the European Association of scientific events (EUSEA) and received 13 000 visitors;

In 2014, over 20 international and 60 Georgian science popularization interest groups participated in the Science Picnic and received 17 000 visitors;

This year, innovative inventions exhibition will be held for the first time within the framework of the Science Picnic, which will further increase both participants of international and local groups to and the overall number of visitors.

Contact Information

Tekle Kapanadze
Ilia State University Science Popularization Project Coordinator:
577 57 55 46

Anna Kvanchilashvili
Ilia State University Public Relations Department

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