Development of an International Model for Curricular Reform in Multicultural Education and Cultural Diversity Training (DOIT)
“Development of an International Model for Curricular Reform in Multicultural Education and Cultural Diversity Training” (DOIT) aims to enhance the quality of multicultural education (ME) in participating Israeli and Georgian Higher Educational Institutions through fostering international cooperation that enhances mutual understanding between professionals. The project aims to promote multicultural education and cultural diversity training by designing, piloting and implementing multi-faceted programs that promote curricular reform for ME and Human Rights in DOIT’s HEIs in Israel, Georgia, and European countries.
The coordinator of the project is Gordon College of Education (Israel); the coordinator in Georgia is Ilia State University.
Access to Society for People with Individual Requirements (ASPIRE)
“Access to Society for People with Individual Requirements” (ASPIRE) aims to promote and develop access to inclusive education, to social integration and to non-discrimination treatment of those with special needs in education in accordance with Bologna Process criteria and UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The project aims at developing comprehensive curriculum for training, which will serve as an instrument for raising public awareness and acceptance of people with special needs in society by providing education on rights and learning methods of the people with individual requirements.
Project Coordinator: Ilia State University
Student Support and Development Services (SSDS)
“Student Support and Development Services” (SSDS) aims to establish advanced and up-dated student and alumni services in partner universities in Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Israel. It is projected to establish a Student Support and Development Services Office and based on specially designed methodologies and tools according to the best European practices, the project aims to develop human resources and implement new student services, such as Student Life services, Academic Support, orientation, career planning, alumni relations and so forth.
Project Coordinator: University of L'Aquila (Italy).
Project Actors Capacity Training in Caucasus (PACT)
„Project Actors Capacity Training in Caucasus (PACT)“ aims to successfully transfer existing knowledge funded by the European Commission for project developers to the Caucasus Region and contribute to capacity building in Caucasus universities. The PACT project collects support tools for project developers (WP 2), train project partners, young researchers, PhD students and young lecturers from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in project development (WP 3, 4, 5) and establish a Caucasus Interactive Resource Platform with adapted support tools (WP7).
Project Coordinator: David Tvildiani Medical University
Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Energy and Environmental Law Studies (REGNLAW)
“Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Energy and Environmental Law Studies (REGNLAW)” aims to develop and introduce new Bologna-compliant interdisciplinary master and doctoral curricula for students as well as to provide the mechanism for intensive capacity building measures for Ukrainian and Georgian law tutors. The project aims at improving academic quality of energy law studies in Ukraine and Georgia by establishing two consultancy bureaus on Energy Law to be in Ukraine and Georgia.
Project Coordinator: Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Promoting Internationalization and Comparability of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (PICQA)
“Promoting Internationalization and Comparability of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (PICQA)” aims at enhancing the quality of higher education in Armenia and Georgia by promoting internal and external quality assurance systems which are acceptable both regionally and internationally. The outcome of the project is to develop and implement quality assurance system for higher education in Armenia and adapt the existing external quality assurance system in Georgia to meet internationally (Europe-wide) accepted standards. The aim of the program is to train staff and body members of the QA agencies and potential peers.
Project Coordinator: ASIIN
New Masters Programme on Library and Information Science (NMPLIS)
New Masters Programme on Library and Information Science (NMPLIS) seeks to address the problem of the infrastructure in the area of library, information and archives which have to be addressed to enable the universities to reform across the board through training and a pilot to improve physical infrastructure in three HE (Armenia, Georgia and Uzbekistan) institutions. Specific objectives of the project are planning, preparing and implementing new Library and Information Studies and Archives Masters and Lifelong Learning courses in line with EU standards; Piloting the training of partner country academic staff and students and developing a Lifelong Learning infrastructure
Project Coordinator: Middlesex University
Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS)
The Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) aims at promoting science teaching through a better inclusion of student active experimental learning in science classes. Project will promote inquiry-type lab-work as one of the foundations of modern curricular and methodological approaches in science teaching in order to reach high cognitive skills, a better learning of science concepts, and to promote the understanding of the nature of science itself.
SALiS envisages strengthening the capacities of the partner institutions from EU, Georgia, Moldova and Israel to promote and support contemporary science education by strengthening socially relevant, inquiry-based, and student-active science teaching and learning. For more information please follow the link for the project website
Project Coordinator: Ilia State University
Curriculum Invoking Bologna-aligned Education Leading to reform in Environmental Studies (CIBELES)
The project CIBELES aims at reform of curriculum in environmental studies with a comprehensive approach oriented to three areas - forestry, industrial safety and water and soil environmental science - and three levels: BA-MA and PhD following the Bologna model of education. The project will allow universities with the help of profesional organizations to professionalize their study programs in environmental studies according to the recommendations of Lisbon. Likewise, the project will improve the teaching skills of at least 120 teachers and will prepare the new curricula in function of a competence-based model and analysis of job descriptions required by the industry sector. Please follow the link for the project website
Project Coordinator: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Development of best practice model Doctoral Schools for structured PhD programme implementation in Ukraine and Georgia (AS2PHD)
The aim of the Project Development of best practice model Doctoral Schools for structured PhD programme implementation in Ukraine and Georgia (AS2PHD) is to harmonize the system of 3rd cycle (doctoral level) of higher education to the requirements and principles of the EHEA in Georgia and Ukraine. This project proposes to establish 2 model Doctoral Schools (DS) and to undergo structured research training. Coordinator of the project is Maastricht University, Netherlands. Please follow the link for the project website
Project Coordinator: Maastricht University
Industrial Cooperation and Creative Engineering Education based on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (iCo-op)
“Industrial Cooperation and Creative Engineering Education based on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation” (iCo-op) aims to create a methodology and resources for development engineering in Georgia, Ukraine, and Armenia. The project will be implemented between 2012-2016. The goal is to (a) create Education program in engineering incorporating alternative technologies, (b) define the methodology for studying the requirements of labor market, and (c) foster cooperation between academia and representatives of industry.
The coordinator of the project is Ilmenau University of Technology (Germany).
Development of New Models for International Bachelor and Master Programmes in Sustainable Tourism Management (SuToMa)
“Development of New Models for International Bachelor and Master Programmes in Sustainable Tourism Management” (SuToMa) aims to develop and implement the new models of bachelor and master degree academic programs in Sustainable Tourism Management in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
The coordinator of the project is Jade University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
The development of human resources and expert capacity in the field of addictology via graduate university curricula and lifelong education in Georgia (ADDIGE) aims to increase the potential of Georgia to pursue a modern, evidence-based drug policy and thus to tackle the acute problem of drug addiction and its negative consequences by means of developing and implementing MA and BA curricula and a lifelong learning framework in addictology (addiction science). The project will develop human resources, building on the existing higher education capacities in Georgia on an innovative, EU-based transdisciplinary approach.
Project Coordinator: Charles University in Prague
TEMPUS 2012 Projects
Ilia State University is involved in seven TEMPUS IV Fifth Call projects, including one project as a Coordinator.
Development and Introduction of Multilingual Teacher Education Programs at Universities of Georgia and Ukraine (DIMTEGU)
“Development and Introduction of Multilingual Teacher Education Programs at Universities of Georgia and Ukraine” (DIMTEGU) aims to facilitate the multilingual educational reform in Georgia and Ukraine. Project goal is to establish multilingual study in Georgian education system within the LLE program for teachers retraining, master and PhD programs work out and through preparing of University level professional experts. Within the framework of the project, a new master degree program and certificate programs for in-service teachers in international and multilingual education will be designed and introduced.
The coordinator of the project is Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia).
Master in Higher Education Management: Developing Leaders for Managing Educational Transformation (MAHATMA)
“Master in Higher Education Management: Developing Leaders for Managing Educational Transformation” (MAHATMA) aims to transform higher education management in Armenia and Georgia through introduction of a new Master’s programme/professional development courses in higher education management and enhancement of the institutional capacity to implement the new Master’s programme and promote change dialogue between the education stakeholders leading to system transformation.
The coordinator of the project is Armenian State Pedagogical University (Armenia).
TEMPUS 2013 Projects
llia State University is involved in the following TEMPUS IV Sixth Call projects
- Promoting Educational Organizations through people (PEOPLE)
“Promoting Educational Organizations through people (PEOPLE)” aims to reinforce top and middle managers of higher education institutions competencies by developing human resource management and staff development strategy focusing the challenges, the economic transition process of the partner countries and globalization that are impacting higher education institutions. Specific objectives of the project are carrying out training seminars on HR most relevant processes, developing a strategic plan for the development of HR in each partner university, creating a specific resource center at each partner university with materials as well as an online platform with shared information on HR.
Project Coordinator: T. Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University
- Promoting Internationalization of HEIs in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries through Cultural and Structural Adaptations (PICASA)
“Promoting Internationalization of HEIs in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries through Cultural and Structural Adaptations (PICASA) “ aims to promote recognition of Eastern Neighboring Area HE systems- Armenian, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine - through development and integration of internationalization dimensions into structural and cultural components of HEIs management. The specific objectives of the project are integration of international dimension into the teaching, learning and research functions of HEIs, identification and development of new skills, attitudes and knowledge in students, faculty and staff.
Project Coordinator: Yerevan State University
“A Network for Developing Lifelong Learning in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine (LeAGUe)” aims to tackle the unemployment and lack of innovation due to a gap between labor market needs and skills of labor force, to learn new and appropriate skills within a current work field and re-educate into new profession. The project is meant to increase the development of individuals and to influence the economic development by providing continuous training to the labor force.
Project Coordinator: Linnaeus University
- Entrepreneur Alumni Network (EANA)
“Entrepreneur Alumni Network (EANA)” aims to establish Entrepreneur Alumni Networks (EAN) at 11 HEIs in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia which support the entrepreneurial spirit among students, scientists in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The project aims to create entrepreneurship-related associations at HEIs as well as establish international entrepreneurial networks of universities, experts, external cooperation partners, companies and entrepreneurs, to reduce graduates' unemployment by supporting young founders and create international jobs and internships in start-ups.
Project Coordinator: Hogeschool van Amsterdam