The Leadership Academy for Development (LAD), at Stanford University’s Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL), and the Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC) are opening the application intake for the “The Role of PublicPolicy in Private Sector Development” workshop whi
Ilia State University cordially invites you to the public lecture by Prof. Marianne Saghy (Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest) on SAINT MARTIN OF TOURS AND THE DESERT FATHERS: MONASTIC COMPETITION BETWEEN EAST AND WEST IN LATE ANTIQUITY Marianne Sághy is an associate professor
"The term “Subaltern”, introduced by Italian theoretician Antonio Gramsci, is commonly used to designate the “subordinated”, “inferior” social groups or categories of people. Since 1980’s it has become the central concept for Post-Colonial and Post-Imperial studies. From then i
Ilia State University Institute of Comparative Literature invites you to a Website Presentation on October 20, Tuesday, 18:00, at Ilia State University Book House "Ligamus". Event is held within the framework of the 6th Conference of the Ilia State University Institute of Comparative Literature: "Literature in monocult
Ilia State University Institute of Comparative Literature invites you to a plenary lecture on "Multiculturalism and the Problem of Transcultural Unity" on October 19, Monday, 18:00, at Ilia State University Book House "Ligamus". Event is held within the framework of the 6th Conference of the Ilia State University
Sigrid Weigel (born March 25, 1950, Hamburg) is a professor of German Literature and Director of the Centre for Literature Research in Berlin.She is a member of Academia Europaea and the Modern Language Association.She studied at the University of Hamburg from 1969 to 1977, earning a PhD.She is the chairwoman of the Ce
John Scanlon has had a unique range of experience with environment and sustainable development policy, law, institutions and governance at the international, national, sub-national and local level. His work experience has been gained in the private sector, in government, with the United Nations and with international o
Philipp Egger has dedicated himself to the robust development of Switzerland as a liberal philanthropy location since the 1990ies. Parallel to the establishment of Gebert Rüf Foundation as its founding director (1998 - 2017) he was significantly involved in the modernisation of the sector as researcher, practini
On 19-20 October, 10:00 a.m., Ilia State University Hall A 101 will host 6th Conference of the Ilia State University Institute of Comparative Literature: "Literature in monocultural/multicultural society". The conference will be attended by professors from the State University as well as other Georgian universities. Pr
US astronomical community recognised academic paper titled - "DYNAMICS OF A SOLAR PROMINENCE TORNADO OBSERVED BY SDO/AIA ON 2012 NOVEMBER 7-8", by the Ilia State University PhD student Irakli Mghebrishvili as the best result oriented article and posted it on their website: Research highlights from the journa
Since 2015 Ilia State University offers wide range of exchange programs under Erasmus + Key Action 1 International Credit Mobility Scheme, funded by the European Commission. Erasmus + ICM covers individual mobility of students and staff between partner universities. Student Mobility – Bachelor, Master a
Today, on October 1st, Ilia State University hosted official visit of the University of Tallinn (Estonia) delegation led by its rector, Professor Tiit Land. Rectors of Ilia State University and Tallinn University signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at defining desirable academic and research directions for futur