Within the frameworks of the United Nations Summit in 2015, Entrepreneurship Development Agency of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia organized Georgian culture days -"Discover Georgia", aimed at promotion of national products and increasing of consciousness about the country outside the bor
On October 2, 18:00, Ilia State University Book House "Ligamus" will host a workshop and book presentation led by the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) Professor Emeritus Patrick Serio.Topic of the workshop is the intellectual foundations of structuralism in the 1920-30-ies Central and Eastern Europe. This theme is
On October 5, 19:00, Ilia State University G 106 Hall is hosting a public lecture on "Philanthropy - Foundation of a liberal society" delivered by Philipp Egger, Doctor of Historical Sciences.Philip Egger has a 20-year work experience in management and strategic planning of the non-profit sector. He is founder an
This presentation will focus on several forms of group interventions/psychotherapy developed for assisting survivors of man-made violence, like torture and war. It will encompass more than 20 years of the author’s work in different contexts and settings, from Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to Georgia, Rwanda and
Ilia State University Institute of Comparative Literature Announces the call for papers for 6th Comparative Literature Conference: Literature in Monocultural/Multicultural Society. Conference will take place at Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia. Dates: 19-20 October, 2014. Plenary speaker of the conference: Claes
Iliauni literary contest has existed for 7 years. In 2010, the university academic board decided to contribute to the development of novel writing in Georgia and introduced an award for the best novel. Before 2014, the award was granted to 5 nominees. In 2010, Aka Morchiladze got the award for her novel “Mamluk,&
EMBRACing changE: Overcoming Blockages and advancing democracy in the European Neighbourhood (EMBRACE) From October 2022, Ilia State University is getting involved in a new project EMBRACing changE: Overcoming Blockages and advancing democracy in the European Neighbourhood (EMBRACE)” within the framework of
FP7 is Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. That's the EU- funding research in Europe and a major instrument in 2007-2013 years. His budget was about 50 € billion.All research institutes and universities could take part, as well as a wide range of organizations and individuals, s
The Collaborative Governance Program (CGP) in the Kyrgyz Republic works to foster effective collaboration between a credible, sustainable civil society, the private sector, CGP aims to improve the social compact between the government and the Kyrgyz people by capitalizing on the increased cooperation between the public
Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion via Equitativa Distance Teaching and Learning (LoveDistance) Project aims to promote inclusive education in Israel and Georgia by widening access to higher education for potential and existing students. Specific objectives are: build capacities in Israel and
Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) is main management and commercialization center of Intellectual Property created in the field of science and is one of the leading universities in Georgia. TCO's aim is to develop communication process between research institutes and commercial companies by linking scientific i
EMBRACing changE: Overcoming obstacles and advancing democracy in the European Neighbourhood (EMBRACE) From October 2022, Ilia State University is getting involved in a new project “EMBRACing changE: Overcoming obstacles and advancing democracy in the European Neighbourhood (EMBRACE)” within the framework o