On March 19, within the event “Late at Night at Iliauni,”7 finalists of Iliauni Literary Contest were announced. Claude Simon “La Route des Flandres,” Publishing House Intellect, translators Ilia Gasviani, Anzor Abjandadze Orhan Pamuk “My Name is Red,” Bakur Sulakauri Publishing Hou
On the 25th of March, 2015, at 10 am Ilia State University is going to host an educational event in the framework of the TEMPUS-funded project REGENLAW. The main theme of the event is going to be “Georgia & EU - Association Agreement: Opportunities & challenges for the environment and energy sectors
Larry Diamond, Stephen D. Krasner and Gia Nodia will deliver lectures on March 27, 15:00, at Ilia State University Hall B 202. Moderator: David Aprasidze Topic: Democracy and State-Building in the Post-Soviet Realm: Where We Stand Twenty-Five Years Later Meeting is held within the framework of "Essence of democrac
Ilia State University, in cooperation with the Copernicus Science Centre, aims to develop a network of Young Explorers Club in Georgia. Purpose of the abovementioned project is to gather young adults with different interests and age groups under the purpose of conducting scientific experiments in the field of natu
Modern science has long surpassed close door laboratories. Education system challenges require active involvement of young researchers and inventors in the scientific research, that’s why Ilia State University is one of the leading higher education institutions actively popularizing and supporting science program
ISU is a member of many university networks and organizations. It has partnered up with leading US and European higher education institutions, research institutes and centers, non-governmental organizations and industry partners in education to advance the large internationalization process at the university and facili
International projects funded by the European Commission, Horizon 2020, Erasmus+ , TEMPUS, Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA) , Georgian Research and Development Foundation (GRDF), Botanic Gardens Conservation International(BGCI),U.S. Civilian Research And Development Foundation (CRDF), Open Societ
Salome ShedaniaHead of Development Office☏(+995 32) 222 00 09 (316)✉ Salome.shedania@iliauni.edu.ge Natia TskhovrebashviliAssistant to the head of the Development Office☏(+995 32) 222 00 09 (316)✉ natia.tskhovrebashvili@iliauni.edu.ge Manana SalukvadzeInternational Projects’ Financial Manager☏(+995 32) 222 00 09
In accordance to an institutional policy, all grant applications and contracts must be submitted through the Office of Grants and Development. All applications must be reviewed and approved by the Office staff prior to submission. This policy smoothes the interaction with the external organizations and protects t
Office of Grants and Development also supports researchers and academic staff by providing development opportunities that enable them to conduct research activities and improve their research careers at Ilia State University and other local or foreign research institutions. Along with the researchers’
Students, members of the Student Self-Government and student clubs of Ilia State University must appeal to the head of the university administration for funding of student projects and events. In particular, the project application should be sent for the head of administration at the following e-mail: info@iliauni.edu.
A person wanting to hold an event at or to invite a guest to the university must write an application to the Rector in the chancellery of Ilia State University (Cholokashvili Avenue 3/5) one week prior to the event or send it to the e-mail address: info@iliauni.edu.ge. The application should indicate the content/theme