- Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion via Equitativa Distance Teaching and Learning (LoveDistance)
- Developing and Implementing Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning At Georgian Heis
- Educating Science Teachers for All (ESTA)
- Strengthening the QUAlity and RElevance of the 3 rd mission in Georgian Universities (SQUARE)
- Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia (CONNECT)
- Promoting Relevant Education in Science for Sustainability(PRESS)
- Responsible Conduct of Research - Research Integrity and Ethics in Georgian Universities (ETHICS)
- RE-DIRECTION – Redefining Higher Education on a digital context, while promoting a common, inclusive and sustainable framework based on EU best practices and policy recommendations
- Development of Soft Skills at Higher Education Institutions of Armenia and Georgia in Compliance with the 21st Century Labour Market Requirements (DESIRE)
- Curriculum Reform to Promote Education for Peace in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova (PEACEDU)
- Advancing Open Science In Eastern Partnership Region (BE-OPEN)