Other Projects
Visegrad Fund
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences of ISU received a funding from the international Visegrad Fund, the courses are provided to strengthen the master’s Degree Program of European studies.
”The European Union and Eastern neighborhood “is the name of the course and it is addressed to the Eastern Partnership countries and their relations with the European Union. The aim of the course, through three intensive seminars, is to strengthen the EU studies Masters Program in ISU. The course is led by both local and visiting EU professors.
Achieving Excellence: University Program in Advanced Social Science Research
Arizona State University in cooperation with Ilia State University launched a joint program on advanced social science research methods. The program aims to enhance the knowledge and advance research skills of thirty Ph.D students through four month visit to Arizona state university, online courses and summer school, which was conducted in July 2011 in Georgia by Arizona professors.
Master’s Program in Education Administration
Master’s program in Education Administration at Ilia State University is a joint product of Ilia State
University, United States Agency for International Development, UCLA and the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. The program prepares future leaders equipped with modern knowledge, skills and necessary values to lead any educational institution on their way to effective
management and development. Education Administration program is an attempt to resonate with international standards and it is a timely response to the nation-wide requirement, as well as needs of Ilia State University per se. The program is oriented on creation of practical knowledge and skills coupled with a strong research component.
My Colored Universe
The project “My Colored Universe” was funded by Open Society Georgian Foundation in 2013. The aim of the project was to offer a course of hippo therapy to the children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and assist their integration in the society. Hippo therapy is a treatment strategy which improves neurological function and sensory processing of beneficiaries. With this aim in mind, 15 beneficiaries were selected from the Autism center of ISU within the frames of the project and went through 10 day hippo therapy course.
Foundations of International Environmental Law and Climate Change Law
U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) in collaboration with the Pace University Energy and Climate Center, NY, USA implemented a project "Foundations of International Environmental Law and Climate Change Law for Ilia State University Students and Short Climate Change Law Course for Decision Makers". The project helped develop courses for ISU students and for the local decision making authorities in Georgia. A semester long course in International Environmental Law and Climate Change Law was taught to ISU students and the training courses was delivered to the representatives of the ministries. Ilia State University Center for Environmental Education and International Union for Conservation of Nature are the direct beneficiaries of the project.
Ilia State University has become a direct beneficiary of a Policy, Advocacy, and Civil Society Development Program in Georgia (G-PAC), a four-year initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The program is implemented by EWMI in partnership with Columbia University School of International Public Affairs.
Within the frames of the grant a new Masters Programme in Public Administration (MPA) has been launched. The MPA program serves as a nexus for academic, civil society and public sector experts by hosting public lectures, panel discussion and policy conferences. In the past year, the program has continued to grow its reputation as the most practical program by publishing public policy and public administration case studies and launching the Public Policy Research and Training Center (PPRTC).
Millenium Challenge Corporation
In collaboration with San Diego State University , Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and Government of Georgia the program has been launched which involves three Georgian universities Ilia State University, Tbilisi State University and Georgian Technical University. The aim of the initiative is to build the capacity of Georgian Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs and professionals, offer undergraduate programs in STEM education and achieving ABET accreditation of crucial Engineering and Science degree programs.
Volkswagen Foundation
Cultural Semantics of Georgia between the Caucasus and the Black Sea
From the Georgian perspective, orientation to the West goes hand in hand with an increased openness towards the Black Sea region along with questions about interpretational sovereignty over the Caucasus. The project examines symbolic and affective reinterpretations of this geographical space. Special emphasis is put on the dialogue between Russian (imperial), Georgian (national) and Abkhazian (minority) perspectives. Georgia’s geographical position as a border space between Asia and Europe, or Orient and Occident, contributes to the fact that the study of its cultural semantics holds strong ties with the cultural awareness of Europe as a whole.
EU Democracy Promotion in the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia
Ilia State University has become one of the beneficiaries of the Volkswagen foundation within the frames of the project EU Democracy Promotion in the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia. The aim of the project is to guide the beneficiaries towards a better understanding of the decision-making processes of EU democracy promotion, as well as a better understanding of the EU’s contribution to democratic development in the countries of the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia and the appropriateness of the instruments used.