Wolfgang Babeck
Wolfgang Babeck is Rechtsanwalt and Partner with Buse Heberer Fromm. Most of his time he is based in Sydney, heading our Australian office. Wolfgang is also admitted as solicitor of England & Wales and as solicitor in New South Wales, Australia.
His focus is commercial law, company law, energy law as well as Australian law. He is a member of the practice group Corporate/M&A.
Wolfgang services many well-known international companies in Australia. This includes large and medium size enterprises. As a skilled litigator he is often asked to settle conflicts in and out of court. He regularly acts as corresponding solicitor in Australia for a variety of international law firms. He further acts for a number of Australian companies active in Europe.
Prof. Babeck is adjunct professor at the law faculty of Bond University in Australia. For his 20 year work on the Georgian constitution he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Ilia State University of Georgia. During 2000 and 2001 he was chairman of the management board of Buse Heberer Fromm.