Philipp Egger
Philipp Egger has dedicated himself to the robust development of Switzerland as a liberal philanthropy location since the 1990ies. Parallel to the establishment of Gebert Rüf Foundation as its founding director (1998 - 2017) he was significantly involved in the modernisation of the sector as researcher, practinioner and strategy developer. He was founding and board member of SwissFoundations, initiator and co-author of the «Swiss Foundation Code», founder of the largest Swiss umbrella foundation, «Fondation des Fondateurs», member of the «Best Practice Code» task force of the European Foundation Centre EFC, and of various foundation councils in Switzerland and beyond. He presided the Advisory Committee of the Swiss Centre for Philanthropy Studies CEPS (University of Basel) along with occupying the position of a lecturer. With Dr. Egger's active and personal support, many scientific and educational projects in the field of social and human sciences have been implemented in Georgia as well as in the South Caucasus in general since 2010.