School of Arts and Sciences ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY



Program Title: Psychology (major and minor specialization)

Faculty: School of Arts and Science

Teaching Language: Georgian  

Number of credits to be accumulated:  240 ECTS

Academic degree to be awarded:  Bachelor of Psychology  

Admission contingent: 390

About the program

The profession of a psychologist is chosen mainly because of the desire to listen and help people, however, the most important reason that unites these people is the desire to get to know themselves better.

Psychology is a profession that is found in everyday life and affects each of us, and if you know this profession in depth, it will make it easier for you to manage yourself, as well as to understand and analyze those around you and their behaviors, develop the ability to observe and study issues in depth.

Iliauni will help you learn everything you are interested in when it comes to psychology and choose the direction that is closest to you.

The Bachelor's Program in Psychology was developed in 2011 and is updated at the beginning of each academic year to improve the learning process.

The specialty of psychology is designed for those who are interested in human behavior and want to study theories and models of psychology, as well as the general patterns of behavior, cognitive processes, emotional sphere, general regularities of motivation and personality psychology and their biological bases. The Psychology program is taught by experienced specialists, practitioners, researchers in the field, who are involved in international projects. The program also includes a basic module aimed at developing the student's oral and written communication, analysis, argumentation, problem assessment and creative problem-solving skills and effective teamwork skills.

The goal of the program

The program aims to introduce the student to the basic concepts, theories and methods of psychology; develop critical thinking and the ability to analyze, study, explain and evaluate psychological phenomena and processes in students. The program is also aimed at giving the student knowledge about the relationship of psychology with other sciences (natural, social).

Main areas of study

The science of psychology covers many fields and subfields, therefore, the program includes subjects such as: clinical psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology, mood psychology, cognitive psychology, experimental physiology, educational and social psychology.

 Learning Outcomes

A graduate of the program in Psychology will:

  • have general knowledge of basic concepts, theories, developmental trends in psychology, including the physiological basis of behavior and the results of empirical research;
  • be able to plan and conduct research in accordance with pre-defined guidelines, using appropriate theoretical framework and research constraints to study various problems/events or behaviors in the real context/environment;
  • be able to statistically process, analyze and present data at the basic level using the appropriate software package;
  • have critical thinking skills and understand the importance of empirical evidence for well-founded discussions; be able to analyze, synthesize and interpret complex information;
  • be able to adhere to the principles of ethics in professional and research activities;
  • be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing using modern communication technologies;
  • be able to practice self-reflection, show autonomy in the process of learning and skill development.

Teaching methods

Learning methods include lecture format, engagement in discussions, group and independent work, presentations, surveys, homework and elements of e-learning.

Employment Opportunities

The graduate may be employed as a psychologist in the following sectors and organizations, which conduct research on issues/problems in the field of psychology or provide psychosocial services:

  • Public institutions;
  • Non-governmental sector;
  • International organizations;
  • Private sector;
  • Mass media;
  • Health care facilities;
  • Educational institutions - kindergarten, school, higher education institutions;
  • Law enforcement, penitentiary institutions.

Structure of the study program

To complete the course in psychology, the student must pass the learning components of the program:

Main field of study - 120 credits:

  • Compulsory courses block in Psychology - 72 credits
  • Elective courses block in Psychology - 48 credits

General Module - 60 credits:

  • Introduction to Modern Thought I, II - 12 credits
  • Techniques of Academic Work - 6 credits
  • Statistics - 6 credits
  • Practical English language courses - 24 credits
  • Introductory courses with the code INTRO - 12 credits

Additional Program/free component - 60 credits

Title of the Module                                                                ECTS 
 Basic University Module  60
 Major Program  120
 Minor program or free component (elective courses)   60


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