School of Arts and Sciences ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY

Political Science

Political Science

Program Title:  Political Science (major and minor specialization)

Faculty: School of Arts and Sciences

Teaching Language: Georgian  

Number of credits to be accumulated:  240 ECTS

Academic degree to be awarded: Bachelor of Political Science

Admission contingent: 1. International Relations: Europe and Middle East (major); 2. Political Science (major and minor) - 325

The goal of the program

The aim of the program is to prepare a competitive political science graduate, who will have extensive knowledge of the major disciplines of political science (international relations, public and comparative politics and policy theory), political institutions and processes and will be able to analyze, interpret and explain a political event from a political science perspective using appropriate methods and approaches.

The program is also focused on developing transferable skills such as: critical analysis, argumentation and reasoning, oral and written communication skills in Georgian and foreign languages, effectively working individually and in a team.

Main areas of study

In the case of a student choosing Political Science, he/she acquires extensive knowledge about the main subfields of political science (international relations, comparative politics, philosophy of politics), their basic theories and methods.

Learning Outcomes

A graduate of the program will:

  • have extensive knowledge of the basis of political science and its fundamental concepts;
  • have extensive knowledge of the major disciplines of political science (policy theory, public policy, comparative politics, international relations), their principal schools and theories; understand the essence of political systems; be familiar with the major contemporary debates in political science;
  • have basic knowledge about social research methods (qualitative, quantitative);
  • be able to critically analyze political institutions, processes, key concepts and theories;
  • be able to identify, evaluate (including in the terms of value) and interpret key political problems/phenomena/events, using fundamental theories and methods of political science based on critical analysis of relevant information/data within leadership;
  • be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing, adhering to the principles of academic integrity and using modern technologies;
  • be able to plan and manage their own learning process and use appropriate resources.

Teaching methods

The following methods are used in the teaching process:

  • Lectures;
  • Seminars;
  • Practical method;
  • Method of analysis and synthesis;
  • Projects;
  • Demonstration method;
  • Discussion/debate;
  • Reflection;
  • Individual and group work;
  • Elements of e-learning;
  • Case study.

Employment Opportunities

  • Public institutions (executive and legislative branches, their subordinates at both central and regional levels, local self-government bodies);
  • Relevant specialized organizations in the non-governmental and private sector;
  • International organizations;
  • Mass media;
  • Academic and research organizations of relevant specialization.

Graduates of the program can also continue their studies at the next level - Master's degree.

Curriculum structure

Free Component: General Module - 60 credits

  • Introduction to Modern Thought I, II - 12 credits
  • Techniques of Academic Work - 6 credits
  • Statistics - 6 credits
  • Practical English language courses - 24 credits
  • Introductory courses with the code INTRO - 24 credits

Main field of study - 120 credits

  • Compulsory courses in political science with the code SOCPOL/0/0 - 42 credits
  • Compulsory-elective courses in political science with the code 0/SOCPOL/0 - at least 48 credits;
  • Elective courses in political science with the code 0/0/SOCPOL - maximum 30 credits (the mentioned 30 credits can be chosen from the compulsory - elective block of political science)

Additional program / free component - 60 credits

Title of the Module                                                                ECTS 
 Basic University Module  60
 Major Program  120
 Minor program or free component (elective courses)   60


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