Additional professional qualification (minor academic disciplines)
Together with the major academic disciplines, Ilia State University (ISU) offers the secondary/minor academic disciplines with the possibility to accrue 60 ECTS.
You can attend these courses and gather credits; however, the courses should be different from those of your major program.
The faculty of Arts and Sciences and the faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of ISU offer the students of any faculty or school secondary academic disciplines as follows:
- Liberal Arts;
- Social Sciences: political sciences
- Sociology
- History (Major/Minor)
- Georgian Philology (Major/Minor)
- Literary Studies (Major/Minor)
- Archealogy (Major/Minor)
- Anglistics (Major/Minor)
- French Studies (Major/Minor)
- Russian Studies (Major/Minor)
- Applied German Studies (Major/Minor)
- Psychology
- Humanities;
- Philosophy;
- Preschool education;
- Music;
- Applied Art-Artistic Ceramics for Public Spaces
- Graphic Art
- Fine and Applied Arts;
- Theatrical Arts: performing Arts
- Teacher Training Program
- Natural Sciences: physics
- Natural Sciences: biology
- ecology
- Mathematics