
Ekaterine Nanitashvili’s participation in the conference “Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 13”, September 26-28, 2019, Hamburg/Germany


In September 2019, doctoral student of the Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program, Ekaterine Nanitashvili attended the thirteenth conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research in Hamburg, Germany. The purpose of the conference series is to provide a venue for researchers to exchange ideas and research findings on the linguistic study of signed languages. It takes place every three years. To participate in TISLR13, active membership in the Sign Language Linguistics Society (SLLS) is required. TISLR 13 lasted three days including invited talks, paper presentations and several poster sessions. The conference also hosted the SLLS General Meeting. At this meeting members voted for the following location for TISLR-15 and they also chose new representatives of the board. 

Detailed information on the program can be found at https://www.idgs.uni- 

On the 27th of September, 2019 the participants were invited for reception at the City Hall, where they were welcomed by the State Secretary - Dr. Eva Gümbel and General Consul of Japan to Hamburg - Kikuko Kato as the representative of the host country of TISLR-14. 

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