Ana Lolua

Ana Lolua


Academic Biography:

  • born in 1988 in Zugdidi, Georgia
  • Bachelor’s Studies: International Relations, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, from 2006 to 2010
  • Master’ Studies:
    • EU Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Europe, NATOLIN Campus (Warsaw, Poland), from 2010 to 2011
    • Nationalism Studies, Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), from 2017 to 2018 (Title to be granted in October 2018)
  • Scientific Position(s):
    • University and Scientific Cooperation assistant at French Institute of Georgia, from 2012 to 2017
    • Participant in the Advanced Certificate Program in Visual Theory and Practice at Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), since 2017 (Program to be completed in fall 2018)
    • Academic Assistant to Professor Oliver Reisner’s doctoral course on “Forms and Consequences of Europeanization in the Caucasus”, Spring Semester 2015
  • Internship(s): Transparency International Georgia in the framework of East-West Management Institute, from September 2011 to March 2012

Brief Description of the Doctoral Project:

„Politics of Commemoration in Georgia and Ukraine“

Various actors such as ruling elites, civil society organizations, religious and other private groups across so called post-communist space are in the quest to redesign or rebuild the commemoration sites perceived as vital for collective memory. These lieu de memoires (Pierre Nora) function as a sanctuary of a collective human experience that goes beyond individual cognitive processes of remembering. Memory in our times claims agency for vernacular narratives beyond the totalized past and therefore, historians also face the inevitable issue of simultaneity of history and memory. If memory spaces are fundamentally about representation, reproduction and symbolization of past events can we consider memory as a counter-history transforming itself within the cultural frameworks of a given society?
New memorial museums, modeled to address past atrocities and linking past with the future represent not only the showcase of how history and memory relate to one another but also laboratories for fragmented memory regimes and simulations of Western Errinerungskultur and its performance in the EU periphery.
The so called asymmetrical comparison between Georgian and Ukrainian cases will shed light on how public memories function in Eastern Neighbors of the European Union trapped in the midst of the normative shift from modernist to moralist perspective of remembering and memorializing their recent pasts and will give us better understanding of nationalism in the region and museums as sites for reconstructing and representing history in a nationalist perspective. I will look at curatorial practices, analyzing the biographies of museum curators and decision makers and visual narratives of permanent and temporary exhibitions since the opening of these memorial museums up until today including very recent political shifts affecting the salience of commemorative discourses these museums visualize.

Conference Participations, Scientific Talks, Poster Presentations:

  • Presentation of research project at Georg-August-University of Göttingen before the Professors of Modern and Contemporary History of Eastern Europe (Göttingen, Germany), 2018
  • Young researchers’ seminar, Developing the European Studies in the Caucasus (Graz, Austria), 2016
  • Presentation of the micro study conducted on JumpStart Georgia’s infographic on Stalin before MA students of Ilia State University (Course on Remembering Soviet Past in Georgia), 2015
  • Presentation of MA Thesis (Policies of the European Union, Civil Society of Georgia and Georgian Citizens: a Disharmonious Trinity) at the Student Conference organized by Center for Post-Soviet Studies (Tbilisi, Georgia), 2011

Grants (own Grants and Participation in Grants):

  • Master’s Scholarship and Alumni Scholarship to pursue MA Studies in Nationalism Studies at Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), 2018
  • East-West Management Institute’s Young Researcher Grant (Tbilisi, Georgia), 2011
  • European Commission Full Grant to pursue MA Studies at College of Europe (Warsaw, Poland), 2010

Contact Information:

  • Phone: (+995) 577 147 751



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