Doctoral Students
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LHIDP Doctoral Students
East-European History
It is personally and professionally fulfilling for me to be a part of Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral
Program and pursue my PhD project under its framework. The program provides a unique opportunity of
working under the multi-diverse academic environment offered by Ilia State University and the George-
August University of Göttingen. Both of these universities hold the long and academically established
tradition of equipping students with extensive theoretical and practical knowledge. Besides, under the
supervision of two professors from Ilia University and Göttingen University, it will be self-assuring for me
to keep up with academic work and study the notions related to everyday life practices, local settings and
social context of various historical landmarks. Hence, under the given doctoral program's framework, it will
be more manageable for me to navigate through far-reaching academic materials, have access with up-to-
dated literature, obtain highly qualified consultancy and accomplish my academic commitments.
Religious and Cultural Studies
“The joint PhD program in Cultural and religious studies between Ilia State University and The
University of Goettingen represents a unique opportunity for me to pursue my research
interests and develop as a researcher. The double degree program gives me a chance to be
connected both with local and international research communities as well as have access to
recent international and local scholarly contributions to my field of study. Finally, the funding
opportunity of the program makes it possible for me to take on my research as a full-time job,
which indeed is the ideal opportunity for me. “
Language Change
The Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program is special for me because it gives me the opportunity to collaborate with international partners, to conduct joint doctoral research and to obtain internationally recognized doctoral degrees. From my point of view, one of the advantages of the Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program is that lead scientists in the field agreed to supervise my work and to give their valuable feedback on the research. I strongly believe, that as a result of this, I can pursue high quality research project on the “Differential Subject Marking in Georgian Language” and make a valuable contribution to the Georgian Syntax.
Mariam Gabedava
Political Science
The Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program is uniquely appealing to me for several reasons. The joint nature of the program means that I can benefit from the intensive local contextual knowledge of the Georgian supervisor, as well as the intensive exposure with the ongoing international academic debates of the German university. Another beneficial factor is the program requirement to carry out my research mostly residing in Georgia, since I am not able to separate from my family for long, or realistically consider relocating the family to another country at this time.
Chemical Biology
I am more than grateful for being chosen as participant in the Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program. This program means a lot for me as it allows me to study and work under two experienced and well reputed supervisors in this scientific field and gain valuable research experience without leaving my home for long time.
I appreciate the chance to broaden my knowledge and experience by attending different courses and seminars in Göttingen, led by experts in this research field. The Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program will thus greatly help me in formulating my ideas into research, which is invaluable for me and for my future endeavors. It is an excellent opportunity to meet well-known experts and to improve the quality of my future work. This experience will help me derive outstanding new skills and competences. It is my belief that the double degree from one of the most recognized European university and one of the most prestigious university in Georgia is my chance to make an important progress in my personal career and development.
Development Economics
Being part of the Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program is something that I am really proud of. It strengthens my career prospects and self-confidence, brings me lots of new impressions, experience, knowledge, friends and all of these on the international level. In other words, the Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program helps me in striving towards my dreams.
East-European History
I am honored to be part of this double degree program linking two universities Ilia State University and Georg-August-University of Göttingen with its long-standing research traditions and academic excellence. The program allows me to consult with two doctoral supervisors, one from a Georgian and another from a German University and to have access to a larger scientific community, a library full of up to date books, databases and unique resources and at the same time keeping links with the local context I am working on. Having access to sources as well as generous support to conduct field research is vital for a historian and generally for a researcher of any field, indeed. Moreover, in the framework of the program, I establish necessary contacts and common interest with my fellow academics; I get their feedback which helps me a lot to constantly review, revise and improve my work.
Political Science
Being part of the first international structural doctoral program in Georgia gives me as a social scientist a kick start for a successful scientific career. The uniqueness of this cotutelle program lies in the double PhD degree and the opportunity it provides to experience the German educational system in face of Göttingen University along with Ilia State University. Generous funding by donors allows me as a researcher to grow, participate in international scientific life and fully commit to my PhD thesis.
Forest Ecology
The Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program gives me the possibility to continue getting theoretical and practical knowledge based on European standards. It further allows me to use the research facilities at Georg-August-University of Göttingen as well as at Ilia State University and thus to improve to environment for scientific studies in my discipline. I am looking forward to gaining excellent research experience which will be very valuable for my future career as a researcher in Georgia.
The Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program gives me a great opportunity not only to study/do research on my subject and get experience abroad, but also to become a part of that big community which science is founded on. The Georg-August-University of Göttingen is really a new world for me where research institutes are very close to each other and it gives me the chance to become familiar with the researches other students do. I myself was observing not only the Moon and Saturn from my institute’s observatory but I was also able to see cancer cells in the Institute of Biology. Göttingen and Ilia State Universities together create an environment where you will never feel alone while doing your PhD.
General Linguistics
The Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program offers a unique opportunity for young researchers to develop their ideas under supervision of the most influential scientists in the field. Being a participant of the Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program is a fascinating and almost unbelievable experience for me and I will use and benefit from this chance as much as possible.