International Relations Office Salome Bilanishvili Head of Office ☏ 995 322 220009 - 367 ➳ 3/5 K. Cholokashvili Avenue, Room T107 ✉ Maka Lortkipanidze ➳ 3/5 K. Cholokashvili Avenue, Room T107 ☏ 995 322 220009 - 367 ✉ maka_lortkipanidze@ili
Ilia State University officially cooperates with the following universities and research centers in the spheres of academic research, technology, and education. Academy of Hotel Management and Catering Industry in Poznan, Poland Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kha
Ilia State University is a member of the following associations and networks: Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie - AUF Association des Facultés ou Etablissements de Lettres et Sciences Humaines - AFELSH Black Sea Universities Network - BSUN Compostela Group of Universities - CGU EUA Council for Doctoral Ed
Type of University Entrance Examination: written examination, assessment criteriaConferred Academic Degree: Master of Software engineering Brief Description: The program aims to teach MA students most intricate details and core disciplines of software engineering, help them develop methodology and skills to perform res
Call for PapersIdentity Studies in the Caucasus and the Black Sea Region The journal Identity Studies is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, which was founded in 2009 with the support of a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Its aim is to advance interdisciplinary knowledge about the formation and dissolu
Title of the Program: Georgian Philology (Major and Minor) Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Sciences Language of Instruction: Georgian Length of the program: 240 ECTS Qualification: BA in Georgian Philology About the program The program was developed in 2011 and was updated in 2022. The program is updated at th
Study language: Georgian Amount of allocated credits: 240 ECTS Awarded qualification/degree: Bachelor of Musical arts Code in NAEC registry: 0100103 Admission Type: Unified admission About the program The program aims to give the student a broad knowledge of the art
Study language: Georgian Amount of allocated credits: 240 ECTS Awarded qualification/degree: Bachelor in Philosophy Admission contingent: 15 Code in NAEC registry: 0100103 Admission Type: Individual admission About the program The Bachelor of Philosophy program was developed in 2011 and is
The aim of the minor program in Archaeology is to provide the student with general knowledge of the principles, purpose and specifics of the field of archaeology and teach prehistoric and historical archaeology of different regions of the world (Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Ancient and Medieval Archaeol
The program aims to give students insights into performing arts and familiarize them with specific features of this field of art, its theoretical basics, develop their practical skills and creativity, as well as their analytical reasoning. In the case of focusing on performing art, the graduates will: know fundamental
Together with the major academic disciplines, Ilia State University (ISU) offers the secondary/minor academic disciplines with the possibility to accrue 60 ECTS. You can attend these courses and gather credits; however, the courses should be different from those of your major program. The faculty of Arts and Sciences a