Minor program in History aims to equip students with general knowledge of crucial events in the history of Georgia and the world and enable them to develop the ability to critically analyse a historical event, period or era considering the cultural and historical context. History-Minor Program Upon completi
The Center of Dutch Language and Culture was founded by Ingrid Degraeve in 1999 with the support of the Taalunie - Union for the Dutch Language (www.taalunie.org), which promotes the Dutch language around the world. The aim of the Center of Dutch Language and Culture is to teach Dutch to Georgian students, which is the
Nino Makhashvili - Head of the Center Maka Chigilashvili - Library employee
The library of the Mental Health Resource Center was filled in May 2013, when the former president of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychoanalytic Association, Prof. M. Sefshin's personal library was transferred (and brought from Washington) to the Mental Health Center of Iliauni; Currently, the
The Mental Health Center was established in June 2011 for the development and promotion of the field of mental health - on the basis of a memorandum signed between Ilia State University and “GIP-Tbilisi” Foundation (Global Initiative in Psychiatry - Tbilisi). The goals of the center are: to promote the dev
The Pascal Prize is awarded to a young academic, associated with the University, for the publication of an article in an internationally recognized publication. The number of prize recipients is not limited. One candidate can receive the prize at maximum for the publication of 3 articles per year. Who is eligible
Elena ZhuravliovaDeanAssociate Professor of BiochemistryG. Tsereteli exit N1 room G 205;Cholokashvili Avenue 3/5, H 120✉ sciences_medicine@iliauni.edu.ge Ivane Abithari Head of the School of Medicine,Associate Professor➳ G. Tsereteli Way. N1 G 410✉ medicine@iliauni.edu.ge Tamar BarbakadzeHead of Quality Assuranc
Iliauni: www.facebook.com/iliauni.edu.ge Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/school/ilia-state-university/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iliauni/?hl=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/iliastateuni?lang=en Iliauni Library: www.facebook.com/iliaunilib Ligamus Book Store: www.facebook.com/ligamus.ge Student
Kakutsa Cholokashvili Ave 3/5Tbilisi 0179, Georgia (+995 32) 222 00 09Fax (+995 32) 223 10 26info@iliauni.edu.ge &nb