Workshop Within the frames of SQUARE project


Workshop Within the frames of SQUARE project On March 2-3, 2022 Ilia State University hosted a workshop on Current State of 3M activities at Georgian universities organized within the frames of the Erasmus + funded CBHE project Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of the 3rd mission in Georgian Universities – SQUARE. During a two day workshop speakers from 8 Georgian universities: GSTU, GTU, ATSU, BSU, TSMU, ISU, CU, and TSU presented the overview of third mission status at their institutions covering activities in the fields of continuous education, knowledge transfer and social engagement. European partners of the consortium shared their experience while counselling and mentoring Georgian peers. They described the processes with main challenges and perspectives.

One of the highlights of the workshop was the study NCEQE has presented regarding the 3rd mission state in European standards. Both Georgian and European members of the project consortium were delighted to discuss the outcomes of the study. During the 2-days workshop participants were given the opportunity to discuss each other’s experience and conclude from where to continue the project. Briefly about SQUARE Project SQUARE project aims to improve the importance and quality of the third mission in Georgian higher education institutions with the involvement of top management and structural units. Provide methodologies and guidelines for higher education institutions to plan, implement and evaluate their third mission. Important is the fact that the ultimate goal of the project is to establish a regulatory document on the basis of which the role of the third mission is defined at the national level as a mandatory component of accreditation-authorization.



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