The First Part of the Project Square Training

The first phase of training was delivered online on February 22-23, 2021, by the European partners of the consortium – namely, Le CNAM and the University of TURKU. As the COVID-19 pandemic restricted traveling, the training, initially planned for 3 days, was split into two phases. The issues discussed by the trainers during the first phase of training was: The history behind the third mission; Driving Forces of the 3rd Generation University; Justifications and Benefits of 3M; 3M and the university’s identity, etc. (Detailed information can be found in Agenda here).

During the training, CNAM and UTU presented the overview of 3M in France (and CNAM) and Finland (and namely, UTU).

At the end of the training, activity to be carried out by each Georgian university was discussed. For the second part of the training, each university should prepare a chart map, identifying one’s position regarding 3M, specify and identify 3M projects and assets (current, as well as possible).


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