Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of the 3rd mission in Georgian Universities – SQUARE


On November 14-19, the Georgian members of the Erasmus + funded CBHE project Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of the 3rd mission in Georgian Universities – SQUARE consortium visited the Nova University of Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal, within the framework of training and job shadowing "Management of Social 3M activities".

The representatives of the Georgian delegation were welcomed at the opening meeting by the Rector of Nova University of Lisbon, who expressed his willingness to be a participant in SQUARE project and help Georgian partners in developing in this direction, since Nova University is one of the first both in Europe and internationally, with the strength of the third mission component. The Georgian partners were welcomed by the vice and pro rectors of Nova University according to the respective directions as well.

During the visit,representatives of Ilia State University had meetings with  various structural units of the university. Among them, they visited the campus of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University, where they met the representatives of the Vice Rector's Strategic Office for Innovative Research and Impact, and discussed the process of what a researcher goes through from an idea to obtaining funding for it and then to the implementation stage; how the structural units support this process and etc. It was noted that there are quite a lot of such units throughout the university.

At the end of the visit, the participants unanimously noted that they are ready to join Nova University in the presented projects and start new projects with similar ideas and objectives.

The project aims to improve the importance and quality of the third mission in Georgian higher education institutions with the involvement of top management and structural units. Provide methodologies and guidelines for higher education institutions to plan, implement and evaluate their third mission. Important is the fact that the ultimate goal of the project is to establish a regulatory document on the basis of which the role of the third mission is defined at the national level as a mandatory component of accreditation-authorization.


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