Project Induction Meeting with Azerbaijan University and Non-university Partners


On September 18-19, 2023 ILIAUNI project management team conducted a cluster meeting in Baku within the frames of newly funded Erasmus +CBHE Strand 3 project Advancing Open Science in Eastern Partnership Region (BE-OPEN). The aim of this meeting is to discuss individually the commitment of relevant partners from Azerbaijan towards the assigned deliverables and outputs of BE-OPEN Project. The two day meeting was conducted with the representatives of the following institutions from Azerbaijan:

  • Ministry of Science and Education of the Azerbaijan Republic
  • Khazar University
  • Azerbaijan State University of Economics
  • Sumgait State University
  • National Erasmus+ Office of Azerbaijan

Each Deliverable of the project and relevant lead partners were presented and discussed. The meeting ensured that the final role and organizational capacity was redefined by each partner from Azerbaijan.

Project in Brief

BE-OPEN aims to strengthen effective, inclusive, and responsible digital transformation of education and science through the implementation of Open Science principles and values at national and institutional levels in Partner Countries (PCs), Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Project Consortium

  • Ilia State University - Coordinator
  • University of Maribor (Slovenia)
  • European Policy Development and Research Institute (Slovenia)
  • Free University Amsterdam/STICHTING VU (Netherlands)
  • STICHTING EIFL.NET (Netherlands)
  • Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
  • Teaching University-Batumi State Maritime Academy (Georgia)
  • Khazar University (Azerbaijan)
  • Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Azerbaijan)
  • Sumgait State University (Azerbaijan)

Non-University Partners

  • Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation
  • Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
  • Ministry of Science and Education of the Azerbaijan Republic
  • Presidium of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science
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