Meeting with the World Health Organization


On January 25, 2023 a meeting was held between the relevant representatives of Ilia State University and the representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) Georgia office, Regional office and Head office. The meeting was organized within the framework of the existing project and cooperation between Ilia State University and the World Health Organization.

About the project:

The Universal Health Care Partnership (UHCP) enables the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe to extend its support to Georgia in the implementation of the Universal Health Care Program (UHC), which gives an access to quality health services without financial difficulties.

During the meeting, the main goals of the project were discussed:

  • Identify the functions, sub-functions and services of the employees in the field of public health that are most relevant in the national context
  • Identifying skills and competencies needed to perform the above mentioned functions and developing competency-based on education tools
  • Create professional maps, who are involved in providing these functions and services
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