Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion via Equitativa Distance Teaching and Learning (LoveDistance)

24-30th of November 2020, under the Erasmus Plus CBHE project - Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion via Equitativa Distance Teaching and Learning (LoveDistance) ToT was conducted by Funiber (Spain) and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Due to the pandemic the training took place virtually. 

The training covered different topics related to designing and delivering the distance courses, both from an academic and administrative perspective. Project EU partners presented the best cases from their experience of using different technological solutions, tools, apps and systems. As a following step, on the bases of these ToT sessions each partner university should design and pilot courses at their institutions. 

Project aims to promote inclusive education in Israel and Georgia by widening access to higher education for potential and existing students. Specific objectives are: build capacities in Israel and Georgia that will enable their HE systems to accommodate effective distance learning programs; develop curricula offer in Israel and Georgia based on distance learning, that responds to the requirements for equity and accessibility of the partner countries HE systems to improve the educational integration of disadvantaged learners in their educational system; to coach and train faculty members, professional and administrative staff on the design, development, implementation and quality assessment of e/blended-learning and distance education courses; raise the public awareness of access to, equity, and democratization of HE, to promote social inclusion; facilitate transfer of best practices to expand access to, participation in, and successful completion of distance learning programs. 

Project coordinator: Polytechnic University of Porto

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