International Conference and Consortium Meeting


On September 25-27, 2023, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University hosted the international conference and consortium meeting, which was held within the framework of the Erasmus + institutional development project "Developing and Implementing Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning at Georgian HEIs" (DITECH).

Both local partner universities and representatives of European partners participating in the conference. Most of the presentations were about Distance Learning, the use of Artificial Intelligence, and student assessment. At the consortium meeting, the partners summarized the current activities, discussed areas for improvement and agreed on future plans.

The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of higher education in Georgian universities through the development and introduction of technology-enhanced teaching and learning. Within the framework of the project, innovative programs and training courses will be created to improve the digital competence and skills of academic staff. The duration of the project is 3 years (15/01/2021-15/01/2024) and its main target groups are: students, academic staff and future/current teachers. The project coordinator is Tallinn University.



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