Curriculum Reform to Promote Education for Peace in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova (PeaceEdu)


On April 16-19, 2024, the first consortium meeting was held the Tampere University (Finland), within the framework of the ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE program project - Curriculum Reform to Promote Education for Peace in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova (PeaceEdu).  Within the framework of the meeting were discussed: the goals of the project and the activities to be implemented according to the work packages, the responsibilities of each organization, and the European Commission's project administration guidelines. In addition, there were discussed the principles of project quality assurance and monitoring, and dissemination strategy. Representatives of Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova presented the country's needs assessment at the national and institutional level regarding Peace Education, representatives of European universities talked about the importance of introducing Peace Education in university and school curricula to promote Peace Building. The next steps of project implementation were planned at the meeting.

Project Coordinator:  University Of Tampere (Coordinator); Co-coordinator: Ilia State University (Georgia); EU Partners:  University Of Innsbruck (Austria), University of Hildesheim (Germany),

Peace Education Institute (Finland).  Beneficiary Partners: Sokhumi State University (Georgia), Center for Peace and Civic Development  (Georgia), Taras Shevchenko National University Of Kyiv (Ukraine) V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), Public Diplomacy Platform (Ukraine),  Moldova State University (Moldova), Chisinau Ion Creanga State Pedagogical Universit (Moldova),  Agency for Innovation and Development (Moldova).



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