Assessment Tools for New Learning Environments in Higher Education Institutions (ASSET)


Within the Erasmus + Assessment Tools for New Learning Environments in Higher Education Institutions (ASSET) project, Ilia State University team (Sofiko Lobzhanidze, Eka Tkavashvili, Marika Kirvalidze) continues to pursue a variety of activities for both Ilia State University students and other target groups, including teachers of general education institutions.

In response to the current challenges, Ilia State University team has adapted the approaches developed within the project for distance instructional process and shared it with a variety of target groups.

  1. The webinar was conducted through a live stream for teachers organized bythe National Center for Teacher Professional Development. The aim of the webinar was to give an overview of the Critical Friend approach. The content, aim, benefits and challenges were discussed during the webinar. This webinar has had more than 18 thousand viewers for the moment.   

  1. The online seminars were organized to inform the students taking part in the piloting process Spring Semester of 2019-2020 about the “Critical Friend” and “Reflective Diary” as formative assessment instruments.

The seminars increased students’ motivation to take part in the research as they found the approach really valuable in times of social distancing and isolation, when there are high needs of socialization.

  1. The Critical Friend Approach was presented at the webinar for the Online Instructors’ Course organized by the National Center for Teacher Professional Development with an aim of sharing the experience of working with Ilia State University students using the Critical Friend Approach.  

Two more seminars are coming about the formative assessment tools: 

Critical Friend Approach and Reflective Diary 

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