
Gocha Golubiani appointed as representative of the LHIDP doctoral students


As of June 1, 2019 Gocha Golubiani has assumed the office of the Carl Friedrich Lehmann- Haupt International Doctoral Program participants’ representative. His term as rep will last until the end of November 2019. Gocha is a second year PhD student who has recently defended his prospectus successfully and works on a doctoral thesis in the field of Chemical Biology.

During the next six months Gocha will voice the participants’ opinion on relevant issues and be their stakeholder at meetings with the management board. He will as well contribute to shaping new initiatives in order to improve and advance the program. The responsibilities of the rep furthermore include the representation of the program at events inside and outside the university. Thus, the position and tasks of the doctoral students’ rep play a crucial role for the implementation of the principle of participation and codetermination within the LHIDP. Moreover, being a rep provides a unique opportunity for self-development and gaining additional qualifications and skills.

Gocha Golubiani’s profile and contact details are available here.

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