
Eka Gurgenashvili’s Presentation at the Doctoral Forum


The Doctoral Forum is a monthly event at Ilia State University that gives doctoral students an opportunity to get together, present and discuss their work and specific research subjects. The Doctoral Forum is open to doctoral students of all staged and scientific disciplines.

On April 3, 2019 Eka Gurgenashvili, participant of the Carl Friedrich Lehman-Haupt International Doctoral Program, presented her research project “Rieger-type periodicity in Sun-like stars”. Eka briefly outlined what her research topic is about and introduced some preliminary results that she already has obtained from her work. In order to give the audience the full picture, Eka explained the meaning of her research for modern solar and stellar physics. She focused on the short term periodicities, observed in the activity of the sun and sun-like stars and its importance for the estimation of magnetic field strength.

The audience followed the presentation with great interest and came up with many questions afterwards. The questions addressed in particular statistical methods used in this research, space missions and different observations. Eka’s talk and the subsequent discussion gave everyone some good insights into solar and stellar physics.

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