On June 8, 2021, the Ilia State University Research Coordination Office conducted an online information meeting within the frames of ERASMUS + funded institutional development project "Increasing the research capacity of higher education institutions through the Research and Development Offices (HERD)". The meeting was
The Georgian Institute for Debate and Education (GIDE) opened the Tbilisi School of Debate in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Ilia State University within the framework of the project "Debates for Better Education" and the support of the Gudavadze-Patarkatsishvili Foundation. Stude
Tbilisi Machine Learning / AI Codeacademy Chapter is organizing event about Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Market, in partnership with the School of Technology Ilia State University. Discussion topics: Clean the data with Pandas Explore our dataset by using Pandas DataFrames Explore the volatility of Bitcoin What you should
On October 25, the Georgian Public Opinion Research Association will hold a public discussion to discuss the Association's plans and goals. Georgian Public Opinion Research Association is a professional association, which aims to promote public opinion and other scientific research with high quality and ethical standar
Ilia State University (ISU) is thrilled to announce the program ‘Artificial Intelligence Clubs in Schools of Georgia’ to educate and engage students in AI, funded by the U.S. Embassy in Georgia through the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program (DemCom) 2021. The purpose of the Democracy Commission Small
The aim of the program is to contribute to the development of human capital in the field of public health, to attract and raise high-level professionals, and to create an environment focused on the success of each student. Promote equal access to public health and healthcare through collaboration with various partners.
On October 21-25, Ilia State University Research Center "Cultural Heritage and Environment" in collaboration with the Institute of the Environment Protection of Italy (ISPRA) will hold a field seminar about the use of remote sensing techniques to assess landslide hazards on Georgian rock monuments. From the Georgian si
Ilia State University is happy to announce registration for the Hackathon Digital Education For Future, which is implemented within the framework of the international project DigiEduHack and will be held on November 9-10. This event is and is running around the world online for two days, where countries have to work on
29th of September, 2021 at an international conference - Change in Classroom, Giga Khositashvili presented the project - Learning Optimisation and Academic Inclusion via Equitative Distance Teaching and Learning (LOVEDISTANCE). The conference was organised by Yerevan State University (Armenia) and gathered the particip
In the frame of Erasmus + days 2021, on 16th of October, at 17:00 Ilia State University will host a webinar - Teaching in Virtual Environment We will go through the topics that are related to online course design and implementation, its pedagogical and technological aspects. The webinar will also cover the issues of in
Ph.D. Lia Tsverava, researcher at the Institute of Chemical Biology of Ilia State University, was awarded for Outstanding Scientific Achievement by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia in the field of natural Sciences. In July, 2012 Shota Rustaveli Natioanal Science Foundation of Georgia announced the
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