The lecture, entitled “Boccaccio’s Legacy: The Oral, Visual and Digital Decameron” by professor Carmen Van den Bergh will be held on 12th November at 18:00 and will be incorporated in the MA Course History and Reception of Literature in the Romance Languages held by Marietta Chikhladze, assistant prof
On November 13, Ilia State University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Medicine, in cooperation with the Swiss Embassy, invites those interested in continuing their studies in the Master's program in Nature Conservation and Forestry to participate in a series of seminars to select field expedition participants. The par
The World Game Development Championship, together with AUTODESK, has announced the Student Games Award, which is completely new and designed specifically for students in any specialty. The competition aims to increase awareness in the global community of game developers and gain recognition from professionals in the ga
Type of the University Exam: Oral exam Awarded academic degree: Master in Public Health-MPH Short description: The program aims to train sector professionals with in-depth and systematic knowledge and skills of necessary and modern standards in the field of public health and policy for improving the health of indi
On November 13, at 4:00 pm, Ilia State University School of Law School of Human Rights, in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Program to Support of the Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG), invites you to a public lecture by US Federal Judge Virginia Covington. The lecture will b
On November 4, organized by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the Ilia State University Book House "Ligamus", Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics of the University of Warsaw Michal B. Paradowski made public speeches on the following topics: "Corpus as a necessary resource for a translator"; "(Foreign language
The IEEE student branch of Ilia State University and IEEE Region 8 Entrepreneurship Initiative are proud to announce the Solution 2.0 - Online Pitch Competition will be held virtually on November 25. The IEEE Region 8 Entrepreneurship Initiative is an initiative started in 2018 and led by the IEEE Region 8 Young Profes
IEEE Student Branch of Ilia State University has been formed and is ready to offer lots of exciting sessions. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a professional association that gives engineers plenty of opportunities. On Monday, November 8, at 20:00 we will have the first informational meeting to
Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars (SUSIs) are intensive post-graduate level academic programs with integrated study tours whose purpose is to provide foreign university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions. The ultimate
On November 5, at 18:00 p.m. , Ilia State University will host an online scientific-reporting conference "Places of Memory and the Symbolic Environment of Georgian National Identity". The conference will present the research results of the scientific project for fundamental researches conducted within the framework of
The United States Embassy in Georgia is accepting project abstracts for the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) 2022 Competition. Please see below for details of how to apply. Proposal Solicitation for Cultural Heritage Preservation Projects ($10,000 – $500,000) Through the AFCP Program, the De
On October 26, 2021, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Georgia Maaike van Koldam paid an introductory visit to Ilia State University. At the meeting between the Ambassador and the Rector of Ilia State University, Professor Giga Zedania, the sides discussed the prospects of cooperation and joint events