Tbilisi Machine Learning / AI Codecademy Chapter is organizing event on Generating Keywords for Google Ads Using Pandas, in partnership with the School of Technology Ilia State University. Ever wondered how you can use data science in an ad campaign? If yes, then this event is made for you. We'll go through every step
December 3, the Institute for Child Development of Ilia State University and the Caritas Czech Republic will hold a concluding conference on the project "Expansion and Improvement of Services for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Georgia," funded by the Czech Development Agency. Read more about the project: http
Ilia State University Professor of Engineering, Ozgur Kişi, is on the 2021 list of influential and Highly Cited Researchers (Highly Cited Researchers™) by Clarivate. The 2021 list recognizes 6,602 researchers from more than 70 countries and regions and includes 24 Nobel laureates. Professor Ozgur's inclusion in t
Programming Club of Computing Center at Ilia State University presents a weekly series of meetings for people interested in programming. The topic of the December 1 meeting is "Career in Technology", about which Google employee Davit Tvaltchrelidze will talk. Report topics: Perspectives in the field of technology; How
Programming Club of Computing Center at Ilia State University launches a series of weekly meetings for people interested in programming. The meetings will be held in a remote format (platform with zoom) and pre-registration will be required to attend. Information about meetings will be constantly updated. Schedule of m
On December 2, at 20:00 p.m., Ramaz Javakhishvili, Electronic Design Engineer of NOKA.Technology, will hold a remote meeting on the topic: How to create a hardware startup? The meeting is organized by the IEEE Student Branch of Ilia State University. If you want to make a hardware device but do not know where to start,
The application deadline for the spring semester of 2021-2022 academic year intake has been extended until the 15th of December 2021. Check the programs, admission requirements, etc. at https://iliauni.edu.ge/en/international/HOWTOAPPLY To submit the online application, please follow the link https://i
The two-week internship has been completed within the framework of the ERASMUS + project: Mediation: training and society transformation / MEDIATS, in the city of Dordrecht, the Netherlands, for students of Private (Business) Law Master's Degree (Mediation Module). Under the program, students were given an overview of
Programming Club of Computing Center at Ilia State University, presents a weekly series of meetings for people interested in programming. Next meeting will be about Must know topics to become an AI Engineer Meeting is open to the public. No experience or knowledge required. Guest speaker: Levan Tsinad
December 7, 19:00 p.m., Human Rights Film Club of Iliauni Law School supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with the implemented program "Support to the Rule of Law in Georgia" (PROLoGnd) and with cooperation of the the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Georgia, we invite
Ilia State University is ranked 631th among the 1,750 top educational institutions from more than 90 countries around the world in the U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities ranking, and shares this place with the University of Paris-Est Creteil (France). It should be noted that Ilia State University too
On December 10, 18:00 p.m., Ilia State University School of Law, Human Rights Department with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in cooperation with the implemented program "Support to the Rule of Law in Georgia" (PROLoG) as part of Human Rights Law University Week, we invite