“Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries” (PRINTeL)

The 4th coordination meeting of the PRINTeL Project was held via Zoom platform on November 16, 2020. Five EU and 9 PC partner universities participated in the meeting.

Project Coordinator A. Budaghyan presented the works carried out within the circles of the meeting. The issues of the new equipment placement were also touched upon. In the course of the meeting the coordinators presented the works realized in their universities, as well, and the undertakings envisaged in the Project work schedule were discussed in details.

Chris Van Keer, the representative of KU Leuven, spoke about the importance of the PRINTeL Project during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the assurance of the continuity of the Project.
All the coordinators expressed their hope that the next meetings will be carried out in the offline format.


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