Academic Staff Training within the PRODIGE Project


The first training session within the framework of the Erasmus+ capacity building project - "Promoting Quality Digital Education in Georgia" (PRODIGE) - took place from February 4th to 6th of this year. Representatives of Ilia State University attended the meeting.

During the training, participants discussed the main aspects of digital education, including: Flexibility, accessibility and scalability of online learning; Successful international practices and the possibility of their adaptation in the Georgian context. The training was hosted by Caucasus University and was led by representatives of Tallinn University of Technology.

About the project:

PRODIGE is a structural reform project that aims to introduce high-quality digital education in Georgia. The project was developed by European partner universities and 10 leading higher education institutions in Georgia, with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement.

The project aims to promote digital education in Georgia through the implementation of relevant legislative changes and the strengthening of the capabilities of higher education institutions.

The project is coordinated by EFMD.


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