Doctoral Seminars

Gocha Golubiani’s Presentation at the Doctoral Forum


On May 1, 2019 Gocha Golubiani, participant of the Carl Friedrich Lehman-Haupt International Doctoral Program, presented his research project “Rett Syndrome Mouse Model Mitochondrial Proteom – A comparative Analysis”. Gocha briefly described what his research topic is about and introduced his research plan. Along with his presentation he also gave background information about the Rett Syndrome itself and the respective laboratory procedures required to obtain data. Gocha further provided most relevant facts, such as that the Rett Syndrome is caused by genetic mutation in the X chromosome, that one child in ten thousand is affected with this disorder and that most of the clinical patients are female. Those affected with the disorder usually suffer a weakening of their mental and physical capabilities and although the life expectancy can reach up to 70 years under proper medication and living conditions, a way to a complete cure has not been found yet. Gocha’s research results could provide the basis for a new approach in order to develop medical treatment of the Rett Syndrome.

Besides the Rett Syndrome the audience was provided with interesting insights into the work at animal experiment facilities, how valuable samples for research are obtained from those experiments and what are the relevant research approaches in molecular biology.

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