School of Arts and Sciences ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY

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Additional Information

The library of the Mental Health Resource Center was filled in May 2013, when the former president of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychoanalytic Association, Prof. M. Sefshin's personal library was transferred (and brought from Washington) to the Mental Health Center of Iliauni; Currently, the library is filled with new books and magazines and serves both students and specialists in the field of Mental Health.

From 2011 until now, Mental Health Center has hosted such experts as:

  • Benedetto Saraceno - Professor of the universities of Lisbon and Geneva;
  • Graham Thornicroft - Professor of the British Royal College;
  • Miranda Olff - Professor of the University of Amsterdam;
  • Berthold Gersons - Professor-Emeritus of the University of Amsterdam;
  • Christian Pross - Professor of Charité University of Berlin;
  • Jonathan Beeson - Professor of Cardiff University;
  • Karin Sparring Björkstén - Professor of Karolinska Institute in Stockholm;
  • Prof. David McDaid - London School of Economics;
  • Mark van Ommeren - Expert of World Health Organization (Geneva);
  • Prof. Boris DROŽĐEK - Copenhagen F/S Rehabilitation Center.

The lectures, workshops and seminars conducted by them are of the highest quality and allow students and professionals in the field of mental health to gain knowledge of modern approaches.

Students of the Master's program in Mental Health have been actively participating in the events of the Mental Health Center since the fall of 2012.

Since 2013, N. Zazashvili annual conference in psychotrauma, where Georgian and foreign researchers discuss current topics and present their own research, has been held under the auspices of the Georgian Society for Psychotrauma and Mental Health Center.

In terms of publications, it should be noted that the “Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry” was translated and published in 2013, which is the first modern textbook for Georgian specialists. By 2014, G. Thornicroft and M. Tansella's highly popular book “Better Mental Health” was translated and published. Both of these books were given to the Masters in Mental Health program for free.

Prof. J. Beeson's (Cardiff University) Training: “Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” was conducted on January 26-28, 2017.

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