The presentation of the two-volume book “Dynamic Psychiatry” by Professor Revaz Korinteli will be held at the book house “Ligamus” of Ilia State University on October 13, at 20:00. The first volume of the book discusses the previous stage of depth psychology, its main schools, such as: Freud, Ad
On October 11, Professor of the Technological University of Malaysia, visiting scholar at the G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental studies, Tatyana Denisova will deliver a lecture on the seminar of the Institute of Oriental Studies: “The Islamization of the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago: main theories and contempora
As part of the university's capacity development program, Ilia State University will organize a public lecture on the topic: Early Market Validation - How to Make Sure You're "Getting It Right Before You Build" On November 1, at 18:00 PM Speaker of the meeting will be: Karina Sotnik, Founder and CEO of WorldUpstar
As part of the university's capacity development program, Ilia State University will organize a public lecture on the topic: "From idea to company: 5 main ingredients for success" On October 13, at 18:00 PM. Speaker of the meeting will be: Karina Sotnik, Founder and CEO of WorldUpstart &nbs
The final of the National Teacher Award was held on October 5. It was organized by the Education Coalition and supported by Ilia State University. The winner of the National Teacher Award 2022 was Roland Shavadze, a teacher of English language of the public school of the Mekeidzeebi village in the Khulo Municipality. P
The Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development Center of Ilia State University is launching the latest program “School of Robotics and Technological Entrepreneurship” with Fablab, within the framework of the Alumni Grant Program of the American Embassy, which aims to popularize engineering an
A graduation ceremony for the graduates of doctoral programs was held under the auspices of the International Doctoral School of Ilia State University** as part of the concluding event of the Carl Friedrich Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program* at Ilia State University on October 5. At the opening of the event,
A lecture by Rabbi Golan Ben-Chorin, the Israeli scholar, will be held at the book house “Ligamus” of Iliauni on October 26, at 17:00. Topic of the lecture: “Configuration of Modern Judaism: Internal Currents and Theologies” Dr. Ben-Chorin will review current theological trends in Judaism. The l
The presentation of the project "Reconstructing the Public Sphere in Georgia" supported by the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program of the Embassy of the United States of America in Georgia will be held in the book house "Ligamus" on October 7, at 18:00. The aim of the project is to promote the role of the univers
Ilia State University has been selected to receive funding as a coordinating university under the European Commission Erasmus + CBHE Programme (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-3) Structural Reform project Responsible Conduct of Research - Research Integrity and Ethics in Georgian Universities (ETHICS). The aim of the nati
Prof. Nino Doborjginidze, Rector of Ilia State University, opened and addressed the ‘Study in Europe Fair Georgia’ networking reception together with the representatives of the EU Delegation and the European Commission DG for Culture and Education. The event was organized by the German Academic Exchange Ser
Representatives of the School of Education at the California campus of San Diego State University met with the rector, professors of the School of Education and representatives of the Child Development Institute of Ilia State University. The parties discussed the issues of early and preschool education, improving the m