
Presentation of the two-volume book “Dynamic Psychiatry” by Professor Revaz Korinteli
Seminar: “The Islamization of the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago - main theories and contemporary approaches”
Early Market Validation - How to Make Sure You're "Getting It Right Before You Build" - Karina Sotnik Public Lecture
From idea to company: 5 main ingredients for success"- Karina Sotnik's public lecture events
Nana Mgaloblishvili was the chosen one of Ilia State University among the finalists for the National Teacher Award 2022
School of Robotics and Technological Entrepreneurship for Senior Pupils
Concluding Event of Carl Friedrich Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program and Graduation Ceremony of Doctoral Students
“Configuration of Modern Judaism: Internal Currents and Theologies” - Lecture by Dr. Golan Ben-Chorin
U.S. Embassy Democracy Commission Small Grants Program-funded Project Presentation
ETHICS,the first national project of the new ERASMUS+ program
Nino Doborjginidze opened the ceremonial reception of the fair "Study in Europe"
A visit by representatives of the School of Education at the California campus of San Diego State University
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