
School of Robotics and Technological Entrepreneurship for Senior Pupils


The Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development Center of Ilia State University is launching the latest program “School of Robotics and Technological Entrepreneurship” with Fablab, within the framework of the Alumni Grant Program of the American Embassy, which aims to popularize engineering and technological fields among high school pupils. 

The program, the individual federal aid award, was presented to Ketevan Darakhvelidze, head of the Development Office of Ilia State University, as a graduate of exchange programs sponsored by the US government (2007-2009 Master's program of Edmund Musk, UGRAD 2003-2004) by the US State Department in Tbilisi within the framework of the Alumni Grant Program announced by the embassy. 

During the course of the project, clubs will be created in schools, where 150 pupils of grades IX-XII from 30 schools in Tbilisi and the regions will be united. 

With the help of the project, senior pupils will learn: 

  • Fundamentals of Robotics 
  • Programming Drones 
  • Block Programming 
  • Arduino Programming 
  • Graphic Design 
  • Tech Entrepreneurship 

These fields will help pupils to develop and implement various technological ideas at the school base. 

The project will be implemented in two stages. During the first stage, 150 high school pupils from 30 schools in Tbilisi and the regions will be intensively trained for three months with the head teacher of the club. 

During the second stage, 30 teams will be formed from trained pupils. These teams will create and develop technology clubs in their schools with the 8-10 participants and they will study school problems, develop technological ideas according to the material provided in the program. 

During the final stage of the project, a robotics and entrepreneurship forum will be held for the participating schools and pupils, where the participating teams will present the ideas developed within the club. We will support the authors of the best ideas in the implementation of projects. 

The project is financed within the framework of the Alumni Grant Program of the US Embassy in Georgia.

The head of the program is Avtandil Mghebrishvili, head of the Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development Center of Ilia State University. The project, in which the professors of computer engineering and computer science of Ilia State University participate, is implemented with the help of Fablab Iliauni, the industrial innovation laboratory of Ilia State University. 

At the first stage, registration will be announced for public and private schools, which will be selected based on special criteria. At the next stage, students will be pupils from these schools. 

Selection Criteria: 

  • The school's experience and competence in the management of technological clubs; 
  • Stable computer class and Internet; 
  • Number of students. 

How can the school become a project participant? 

The school must fill out the application form no later than October 25, 2022. 

Application form –

Note: The club is intended for pupils of grades IX-XII. 

The selection of club trainers will be announced separately. 

After reviewing the applications, the schools will be notified of the answer via e-mail address they indicated no later than October 31, 2022. 

The resources developed and translated within the framework of the project will be available on the website of the Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development Center of Ilia State University and any school will be able to use them. 

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