
Book Presentation: Durable Solutions: Challenges with Implementing Global Norms for Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia
Visit of the winning team PHARAO to Cleveland State University
The presentation of the joint project of Iliauni Cyber Laboratory Unilab and Gurjaani Library and Museum Union was conducted
Conference – “Mediation: Training and Society Transformation”
“Digital technologies to support adolescents with depression and anxiety” - Public lecture by psychiatrist Rhys-Bevan Jones
Elene Nabakhteveli, a student in the Master's Program in Religious Studies of Iliauni, became a scholarship holder of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung South Caucasus Foundation
Screening and discussion of the film "The Day I Became a Woman"
Designing safe roads - P2P training session begins
Ilia State University researchers participated in the international conference “13th European Conference on Ecological Restoration” in Spain
Researchers At The Iliauni Institute Of Zoology Receive Funding From The Van Tienhoven Foundation
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program
Research Data Management - seminar for doctoral students
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