
Presentation of the two-volume book “Dynamic Psychiatry” by Professor Revaz Korinteli


The presentation of the two-volume book “Dynamic Psychiatry” by Professor Revaz Korinteli will be held at the book house “Ligamus” of Ilia State University on October 13, at 20:00.

The first volume of the book discusses the previous stage of depth psychology, its main schools, such as: Freud, Adler, Jung, and relevant clinical cases are shown to illustrate the theoretical principles of these fields; As well as the issue of the connection between brain and psyche from the point of view of modern neuroscience.

The second volume deals with the psychotherapeutic fields of Carl Gustav Jung and Roberto Assagioli. The subsequent period of classical dynamic psychiatry is briefly reviewed. Forms of meditation and various visualization techniques are described. Clinical cases described by Jung are cited in the book to illustrate the theoretical principles of analytical psychology.

About the author

Revaz Korinteli has been a full professor at Ilia State University since 2006. Since 1992, he has been the co-president of the Association of Psychotherapists and Clinical Psychologists of Georgia, and since 2022 - the president of the Georgian Association of Analytical Psychology and Georgian Group Psychotherapy. In 2005, Revaz Korinteli became the member of American Group Psychotherapy Association, and since 2010, an honorary member of the same association. Revaz Korinteli is also a member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology and International Association for Group Psychotherapy. For a detailed biography, follow the link:

Time: October 13, 20:00.

Location: Book House “Ligamus”, Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue #32.

Working language: Georgian

Attendance is free.


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