
Seminar: “The Islamization of the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago - main theories and contemporary approaches”


On October 11, Professor of the Technological University of Malaysia, visiting scholar at the G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental studies, Tatyana Denisova will deliver a lecture on the seminar of the Institute of Oriental Studies: “The Islamization of the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago: main theories and contemporary approaches”.


The spread of Islam led to the fundamental changes not only in religious, but also in the intellectual, social and economic life of the population of the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago. However, despite the fact that Islamisation was a watershed event in the life of the Malay world, its history is still poorly understood. The basic questions, such as: 1. Who brought Islam?2. Islam come from where?3. When Islam begin to spread in the Malay world? are still the subject of debate.

There are 5 main theories of the Islamization of the Malay-Indonesian archipelago. Each of them answers these questions in their own way. And there is some modern discourse by Malay Muslim scholars who give their own assessment of these theories and express their arguments on the history of the Islamization of the region. The latest contemporary approach formulated by Professor S.M.N. al-Attas.

Time: 11 October, 16:00 – 17:30

Location: Ilia State University, building S. 3, Acad G. Tsereteli Str. Acad. Thomas V. Gamkrelidze meeting hall (room 201/202)

Working Language: English

Attendance is free.


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