Pupils of the 10th and 11th grades of the 177th school (physics teacher Inga Navdarashvili) visited the SALiS laboratory within the “Natural Science Laboratory for Pupils” project SPG-19-714, which is funded by the Rustaveli National Science Foundation and implemented by the Natural Science Education Resear
The Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development Center of Ilia State University will hold a school competition of robots for students of grades IX-XII of public and private schools in Georgia in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy and EPAM Georgia on December 26. The competition will be held in the new Spor
Euroclub Kvareli held a concluding event of 3-year work on December 16. The panel discussion held at the event was about the importance of youth involvement and the challenges in this regard. The participants of the panel discussion: Anne Birgitte, Officer of the EU Representation Programs Professor Nino Doborjg
Ilia State University will present a report on current scientific-research work to the interested public on December 20-21.The series of presentations of scientific and research projects will be opened in the G 106 auditorium of Ilia State University (Tsereteli St. N1) on December 20, at 18:00, and will last for 2 days
The international scientific conference “The Middle East and Caucasus: Culture, History, Politics” will be opened at the Giorgi Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies of Ilia State University on December 21, at 10:30. The conference will last two days, and a round table will be organized on the results of
Caucasus Network for Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions celebrated the International Mountain Day at the Heritage Resource Center with its partners on December 12. In doing so, they recognized the major contributions they made collectively for the benefit of sustainable development of mountain regions and to t
The defense of the dissertation “Vitamin and Antioxidant Composition in Grape Seeds and Pomace of Wine Grape Varieties Cultivated in Georgia after Fermentation and Distillation” of Tamar Goloshvili from the English-language doctoral program “Ecology” of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Medici
Giorgi Danelia, Director of the Pension Agency, and Giorgi Melikidze, Senior Investment Officer of the Pension Agency, will hold a public meeting on the topic “Investment Management of Pension Savings” organized by the Corporate and Commercial Law Center of the School of Law of Ilia State University at the
A competition for the position of Dean of the Faculty of Business, Technology and Education will be announced from December 15, 2022 per the decision of the Board of the Faculty of Business, Technology and Education on December 12, 2022. Those who wish to participate in the competition must submit the following documen
A literary-scientific seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the publication of the poem “The Waste Land” by the English poet and thinker Thomas Stearns Eliot will be held at the book house “Ligamus” on December 21, at 18:00. Speakers Professor Paata Chkheidze, Ilia State University The
A workshop, organized by the International Doctoral School of Ilia State University, will be held for the supervisors of doctoral students on the topic: “Good Supervision of Doctoral Students” on December 21-22. The purpose of the workshop is to support the supervisors of doctoral student in ensuring that d
Ilia State University with Cyber Laboratory UniLab of Iliauni announces the selection competition for the participants of the project “Iliauni+” for the fall semester. The project is only intended for students and graduates of Ilia State University. Students selected through the competition will receive ful