HR.HUB, in cooperation with Ilia State University, held a large-scale career festival in the Garden Hall of the Rooms Hotel, within the framework of which the Mari Burduli Employment Forum of Iliauni was held on December 10. Approximately 60 companies participated in the festival. At the forum, students got to know the
The year-end event of the cyber laboratory “UniLab” of Iliauni will be held in the T406 auditorium of Ilia State University on December 15, at 18:30. At the event, representatives of UniLab and Ilia State University will talk about the following projects and programs implemented this year: Web publis
Ceren Sezer will deliver a public lecture on “The Demise of a Just City? The Urban Transformation of Amsterdam”, as part of the project “Tbilisi as an urban intersection” funded by the Rustaveli National Science Foundation and the research seminar of the doctoral program in Anthropology, on Dece
On November 28-30, 2022 Medical University of Lodz (MUL) hosted the second transnational meeting of EU funded Erasmus + Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training (KA220-VET) programme project AHEAD (Assessment in Healthcare EducAtion goes Digital). Participants of the transnational meeting pres
An information meeting regarding the Advanced IT Trainings project will be held in the T102 auditorium of Ilia State University on December 8, at 19:30. The project is implemented by Ilia State University with the support of the USAID Economic Security Program Training for Life (T4L) Industry-Led Workforce Development,
On December 7th 2022 Ilia State University hosted EU partners within the frames of Erasmus Plus CBHE project - Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion via Equitativa Distance Teaching and Learning (LoveDistance). The EU Partners represent Universities from Portugal, Spain and Romania. The aim of the visit was expe
Student Choir of Iliauni was founded in July 2022. Students from different faculties and levels of Iliauni are united in the team. The main fields of the club's activities: Academic choral music singing (choral music compositions of different nations, styles, genres and eras); Participation in concerts, festivals, com
The employment promotion program - UNIJOBS - is implemented for Iliauni students and graduates within the framework of Career Development Services of Ilia State University. Registration of students and graduates takes place on the base of Career Development Services of Ilia State University within the framework of the
The presentation of the edition of the European Prevention Curriculum translated and adapted by the Tomáš Zábranský Institute of Addiction Studies of Ilia State University will be held in the book house “Ligamus” on December 9, at 13:00. The manual has been translated and adapted
On December 12, at 17:00, a scientific seminar by Professor Bharat Ratra of Kansas State University will be held in Auditorium G106 of Ilia State University; the seminar topic: "Spatial Curvature, Dark Energy Dynamics, Neither, or Both”. A brief overview of the topic Observations over the last two decades have pe
On December 10, at 4:00 p.m., a public lecture by Professor Bharat Ratra of Kansas State University will be held in Auditorium G106 of Ilia State University; the lecture topic: "The Accelerating Expanding Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Einstein's Cosmological Constant". A brief overview of the topic Dark energ
HR.HUB, in cooperation with Ilia State University, will hold a large-scale career festival in the Garden Hall of the “Rooms” hotel, within the framework of which the Mari Burduli Employment Forum of Iliauni will also be held on December 10, at 14:00-18:00. Approximately 60 companies will participate in the