The public lecture The Unbearable Lightness of Neutrinos by Diana Parno, associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University, will be delivered at the book house Ligamus on March 16, at 18:00. About the Lecture More than 90 years have passed since the discovery of this strange and ghostly particle called the neutrino, bu
On March 17, at 4:00 p.m., a public lecture will be held at the Book House "Ligamus" by the Chargé d'Affaires of the Republic of Korea, Kim Tong Op. The topics will encompass a broad comprehension of the bilateral relationship between Korea and Georgia. Discussing the accomplishments of the past 30 years and wha
On March 31, 2023 at 5:00 pm, a presentation by Vlad Naumescu will be held as part of the PhD program in Anthropology. The research seminar will be conducted online via the Zoom platform. The title of the lecture is: The ‘post’ in perspective: global reconfigurations of law, politics and religion This explo
On March 1st, 2023 Ilia State University organized and hosted first national partners meeting within the frames of the European Commission Erasmus + CBHE Programme Structural Reform project Responsible Conduct of Research – Research Integrity and Ethics in Georgian Universities (ETHICS). The meeting was attended
The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade In 1 Act Is it possible to get an all-embracing equality through revolution? Is revolution a path which brings liberty and fraternity and makes our wishes come true? The
On February 21, 2023, a working meeting was held within the framework of the TWINNING project - "Supporting the possibility of intersectoral cooperation between research and industry" on the topic: "Development of a plan for the promotion of research ethics and integrity". The purpose of the meeting was to share Europe
Title of the Program: History (Major/Minor) Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Sciences Language of Instruction : Georgian Credits: 240 ECTS Name of Qualification and Title Conferred: The Degree of BA in History About the Program The program was developed in 2011 and re-accr
Title of the Program: History (Major/Minor) Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Sciences Language of Instruction : Georgian Credits: 240 ECTS Name of Qualification and Title Conferred: The Degree of BA in History Maximum Number of Students: 65 About the Program The program was developed in 2011 and re-accredited in 2023. It c
University exam type: admission interview Study Language: English Academic Degree Acquired: MSc in Atmospheric Sciences (Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia);In case of double degree, the following degree can also be awarded: Master Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement (STPE)
24-27th of February 2023, within the Erasmus + DITECH project online trainings were conducted for academic staff at Ilia State University. The aim of the training was to introduce different e-tools that are used in education. Topics related to technology enhanced learning together with the tolls like Pawtoon, Lin
Title of the Program: Anglistics (Major/Minor) Faculty: Arts and Sciences Language of Instruction: Georgian Length of the program: 240 ECTS Qualification: BA in English Philology About the program The program was developed in 2011 and was reaccredited in 2023. The program is updated at the beginning of eac
Title of the Program: French Studies (Major/Minor) Faculty: Arts and Sciences Language of Instruction: Georgian Length of the program: 240 ECTS Qualification: BA in French Philology About the program The program was developed in 2011 and was reaccredited in 2023. The program is updated at the beginning of e