On Thursday, January 14th Ilia State University hosted a solemn ceremony of awards for the 30 best new graduate students. 30 graduate students who major in different fields were handed over portable computers. They all have been accepted to the graduate school with the top ratings. Establishment of good learning enviro
On January 13 a New Year concert and presentation of a new album of the musical band "The Guest" took place at the Ilia State University. The new album "Dila" is the second for the band. The first album "Flying Bridge" was released approximately 6-7 years ago. New collection includes 13 compositions, most of which were
December 30th Ilia State University hosted a ceremony of awarding honorary title of Emeritus to Professor Zurab Kiknadze. Full Professor of the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies was given the title for special accomplishment. Zurab Kiknadze already has State Award (2004) and Ilia Machabeli Award (1978). Among
On December 28, book store of our university hosted presentation of two new translations by David Akriani: Jostein Gaarder's "The Frog Castle" and Tormod Haugen's "Zeppelin". Meeting with the translator was organized in an untraditional manner: David Akriani read his translations by candle light and told the audience a
December 21-24 Ilia State University hosted Public Defender of Georgia Giorgi Tughushi, First Deputy Prosecutor General David Sakvarelidze, Head of the Central Administration at Office of Prosecutor General Irakli Kotetishvili and Secretary of the National Security Council Eka Tkeshelashvili. Meeting was organized as p
December 25, Ilia State University hosted a presentation of the project results: "School Administration - Problem Analysis and the Ways of Their Solving." Financial support of the three year project was provided by the Rustaveli Foundation. As a result strategic plan of school development was elaborated and implemente
December 24, presentation of the book "Basketball for Young Players: Guidelines for Coaches" was hosted by the Ilia State University. It was attended by the President of the Basketball Federation of Georgia Mr. Besik Liparteliani and other representatives of the Federation. The manual is the product of cooperation be
Tuesday, December 22, a presentation of the website www.azrebi.ge took place at the Ilia State University bookstore "Ligamus." Azrebi.ge is meant to become a unique site in the cyber space, where the author will be able to present her ideas and advocate their importance despite political, religious, national, ethnic or
Monday, December 21, authors and experts from the magazine "Solidarity" met the students of Ilia State University at the bookstore "Ligamus." The magazine is issued by the Tolerance Center under the Public Defender's Office.One of the authors, Phridon Sakvarelidze, delivered a paper: "Cases Studies of European Court of
December 16 Ilia Chavchavadze State University hosted presentation of working results of the international Georgian-French archaeological expedition 2009. Research of a world-scale importance showed that a thread which was found in the Bondi Cave is the oldest one of its kind from the upper paleolith period and dates b
December 15th students of the Ilia Chavchavadze State University celebrated an intercultural Christmas at the bookstore "Ligamus." Program of the celebration included presentation of Polish, German, French and Spanish Christmas traditions, songs and dishes.
On December 12-13 Ilia Chavchavadze State University hosted an international regional workshop "Conflicts and Cooperation in the Caucasus: New Reality and Pursuit of Dialogue". Main objective of the workshop, which was organized on initiative of the International School for Caucasus Studies, was to discuss new