On March 30, students and professors of the Ilia State University held a meeting with Javier Solana (Secretary General of NATO in 1995-1999, High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy in 1999-2009) and Strobe Talbott (American diplomat, journalist and scholar, President of the Brookings Institution). Me
Every Monday, at 6pm the book store "Ligamus" hosts "Book Club" which was initiated by the "Students' Service Center" and offers the students an opportunity to discuss their favorite literary works. Discussions are moderated by professors of the Ilia State University. Session of March 22 was dedicated to the work of Il
The ASCN Programme offers to 4 students from South Caucasus the opportunity to follow an MAS (Master of Advanced Studies) in European Integration at the University of Basel. It is a one-year programme (2 semesters) beginning in September 2010. Courses are taught in English and German. Applications are open for students
On March 11 presentation of the unique Georgian product - geo-multifunctional system GMSYS 2009 took place at the Ilia State University. Device, which was created by Georgian geophysicists consists of three main components and can be used during seismic observations as well as in the fields of geophysics, environmental
The exhibition "Old + New + Virtual" which was opened on March 4 at the "Gallery "9"" was dedicated to the presentation of the Engineering College of the Ilia State University. The exhibition shows old and new architectural construction projects, 3D virtual education platform and multisensor touch-screen table made by
INFO@ASCN.CHWWW.ASCN.CHAN INITIATIVE OF GEBERT RÜF STIFTUNG IN COOPERATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURGCall for Research Proposals from GeorgiaGeneralThe ACADEMIC SWISS CAUCASUS NET (ASCN) is a 5-year programme aiming atpromoting social sciences and humanities in the South Caucasus. It is funded byGEBERT RÜ
"Debates on Public Policy" is a project which gives professors and students of the Ilia State University an opportunity to conduct discussions on important issues of public policy with major decision making persons. The first session took place on February 3rd. The First Deputy Foreign Minister Giga Bokeria and the Cha
Friday, February 26, established dissident and human rights activist Valeriya Novodvorskaya was awarded Honorary Doctorate following a decision of the Academic Board of the Ilia State University. She was conferred this title for extraordinary contribution to the process of liberalization and democratization of the post
The centre for east Europen studies Warsaw university
Friday, February 26, established political dissident Vladimir Bukovsky was awarded Honorary Doctorate following a decision of the Academic Board of the Ilia State University. He was conferred this title for extraordinary contribution to the process of liberalization and democratization of the post soviet societies. Dip
The ASCN is a 5-year programme aiming at promoting social sciences and humanities in the South Caucasus. It is supported by GEBERT RÜF STIFTUNG (foundation) and run by the Interfaculty Institute of Central and Eastern Europe of the University of Fribourg (Swizterland) One of the components of the ASCN is short-te
February 15, Ilia State University presented its Annual Report 2009 and plans for the year 2010 at the "Courtyard Marriott". On February 15, 2006 a new university, which is now known under the name of Ilia State University, was established. Ilia State University is the first university in Georgia that is oriented towar